Payback in Stripes

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By the time Jacob made it to the door, no one was visible through the
peephole. He slowly opened the door to see just a large white box laying on
his doormat. "I'm not expecting anything.." he though to himself as he
carefully picked up the package and brought it inside.

Jacob set the box on the floor and opened it. Inside was an assortment
of women's garments that just made him even more confused as to why he'd
received the box. Included within was a very sheer pair of silk panties
that he could almost completely see through, a large frilly bra that looked
to be for someone with a fairly hefty bust size, a blue dress that had an
odd oval shaped opening tailored into the backside with two heavily
reinforced buttons just above it, and a white blouse with a neck line
designed to quite clearly show off a woman's cleavage.

As Jacob finished pulling out the clothing and setting it aside, he
notice a smaller box at the bottom of the package. He grabbed it and slowly
cracked it open, almost expecting it to be a bomb that was going to explode
at any second. When he finally opened the box all the way, Jacob could only
blink a few times in disbelief as to its contents. Nestled on a pad in the
box were two fake nipple pasties, only they where not like any nipple he'd
ever seen.

The two were molded out of what looked like charcoal black silicon and
definitely shaped to be a pair of woman's nipples with areolas, about 2
inches in diameter apiece. About that time, Jacob notice a small note that
had been folded and placed along side the fake nipples. He gingerly picked
it up and read it.

" Try us on! :) " was all that was written on it.

"Yea, right." he though to him self as he placed the box down and went
back to his computer, surfing for more cracker warez sites to wreak havoc

It wasn't long after that Jacob was becoming bored with surfing. His
mind kept drifting back to the box and its contents. Who was it from? Who
was it for? The questions finally got the better of him as he picked up the
small box and looked at the pasties again.

"What could be the harm?" he though to himself as he walk off to the
bathroom, box in hand.

Jacob stood in front of the mirror and pulled off his shirt. The
years in front of a computer were quite noticeable between the paleness of
his skin and the layer of fat that had accumulated from inactivity. Jacob
didn't even give it a second though as he pulled one of the pasties off of
the pad and held it in his hand.

It was quite eerie to him. The thing looked and felt like real skin,
yet he knew it couldn't be. He slowly pasted it down over his real nipple
and then followed suit with the second one. As he stood there and looked at
his reflection, he couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he though he'd
look. In the middle of his semi-flat chest were these two oversized
gray-black circles with nipples that stood out a good half-inch or so.
After he had his good laugh, Jacob though it was time to remove the pasties
and tried to pull them off, only to find that they wouldn't budge.

"The fuck?!?" he cursed as he grabbed the pasties by the nipples and
pulled with all his might, just to have the things not budge one millimeter.
"Damn it! The things must have had glue or something on them.." he growled
as he just pulled his shirt back on and went back to his computer.

It took about an hour, but Jacob has finally located a company that
sold adhesive remover that has safe to human skin. Problem was, they were
completely sold out and didn't expect to have any in stock for a few days.
Jacob cursed his luck as he poked one of the two miniature tents formed in
the front of his shirt. It was annoying enough that the things were stuck
to him, but even more so at how quite noticeable they were through clothing.
He cursed his luck as few more times as his second hand went to his crotch
and began to scratch at a weird tingling sensation that had formed there.

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