Dare for Steve, Slendy, and Herobrine

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Dare: I dare Herobrine,  Steve, and Slendy to watch cupcakes and smile HD, and tell us if you can defeat rage pinky......... if you need to you can grab a bucket to throw up in.

Herobrine: Ok let's do this!

Herobrine, Steve and Slendy: *Turn the lights off, sit on the couch and turn on Smile*

Steve: Aw! their just having a good time and- OH MY GOSH! WHAT THE NETHER! *Hugs Herobrine*


Herobrine: .... is this the scary part?

(Three or two minutes later)

Steve: I don't like ponies anymore :(

Slendy: I don't like ponies too :(

Herobrine: I don't get it! When was the bad part?!

(Next: Cupcakes)

Steve: Cupcakes? well... OH MY GOD THAT LOOKS VERY PAINFUL! *Grabs bucket and throws up*

Slendy: She just opened up her stomach! and she's pulling her guts out! *Throws up on the floor*

Herobrine: ... *Sigh* I want a cupcake...

(End of the video)

Steve: Do you still want a cupcake!?

Herobrine: Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh! *Eats random cupcake and spits it out* Ewwwwww... I forgot I don't like cupcakes... *Eats a random strawberry shortcake* That's better! something that doesn't have so much frosting!

Steve and Slendy: D:

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