Ask Steve, Herobrine and Arrowbrine

644 14 1

Question: Why do you like Herobrine so much? Besides him being your brother

Steve: I don't know I just do :)

Herobrine: I've been doing a lot of research on my phone and most people believe that I like Steve, But Steve likes me! Weird... But I'm always to busy to think about love and stuff like that

Steve: Ummmmm, Herobrine I need to tell you how I really feel about you

Herobrine: Nuuuu!

Slendy: Acting childish!

Herobrine: Good I look forward to acting like a child!

Steve: But you didn't before!

Herobrine: Well now I do! Get use to it... I want pie... pie makes everyone happy! :)

Steve: It doesn't make me happy

Herobrine: Shut up Steve nobody likes you!

Steve: T-T

(Phone buzzes)

Herobrine: Oh look we got another statement

Steve: Well read it!

Herobrine: You are a very pretty girl... Thanks! They didn't say your pretty... Your a ugly girl!

Steve: *Sticks out bottom lip* I'm pretty inside!

Herobrine: No your not!

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