The Android lowers the bat slightly but still holds it.

"Google me, Lieutenant Anna Jane, Detroit Police Department, I help androids like you," I say softly as I lower my gun slightly.

The Android stands still googling me presumably and lowers his bat to his side. I do the same with my gun.

"I don't trust her though!" The Deviant says pointing to Rose.

"This is Rose, my partner she doesn't want to hurt you either," I say lowering my partner's gun.

The deviant drops the bat and we put our guns away.

"Now let go of the child," I order.

The android releases the child and they run to me, hugging my waist.

I crouch down to their level and smile at them.

"You're going to be okay," I say softly.

The child smiles and runs back to their parent and older sibling.

"I don't want to be deactivated, will they deactivate me?" The Deviant whimpers.

"Not if you come with us," I speak with calm undertones.

The deviant starts to twitch. I panic shouting at the family to exit the house as fast as they can.

"The Android is going to explode! Get out now!" I shout as loud as I can.

The family runs out of the front door as do Rose and I. I slam the door shut and jump forward, hands covering my ears as the machine explodes and breaks windows.

I stay in the ground for a few seconds before standing up to face the family of three.

"Are you okay?" I ask the two kids and father.

"Yeah we're okay," the father says.

The oldest girl looks 17 and shares similarities to me.

"Thank you for saving us, what was your name again?" The father asks me.

"Adriana, Adriana Jane," I say smiling.

"Anna?" The older girl asks.

"Yeah that's me," I smile.

"It's me, Crystal, your cousin," the teen says.

I step backwards a few steps as I look at the girl, I hardly recognised her.

"Cryssie, I'm so glad I managed to save you guys, oh thank god," I say hugging Crystal as tightly as I can.

"I'm glad you saved us Anna," Crystal says hugging me as tightly as she can as well.

"So who might you guys be then?" I ask curiously.

"I'm James Roberts, Crystal's step father and this is Roxanne, my youngest daughter, Crystal's mother died due to android fault in a car crash and I took custody over her," The father says.

"Oh no, Crys, I'm so sorry," I say looking to Crystal who is smiling at me.

"It happened just after you left for Detroit, we all have to move on at some stage and I moved on but not without remembering her as best as I can, she holds a very special place in my heart," Crystal says.

"I'm glad, now we gotta go but here's my phone number and text me later okay?" I say to Crystal as I hand her a business card of mine I have on me for no apparent reason.

Crystal smiles at me and Rose and I ride back to the precinct.


"Adriana?" Rose asks me as we are sitting in Tara's living room just chilling.

"Rose?" I reply.

"Wanna go out to a bar?" Rose asks directly.

"Why not its the weekend," I say as I walk to the room I'm staying in.

Rose laughs and follows me.

I grab out a pair of nice skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt and also my leather jacket that has fur because I know damn well it will get cold as hell tonight.

Rose takes a look through my wardrobe and finds another pair of jeans and a shirt as well. It is a casual Friday night tonight.

"Looking good, Now lets go," I say as we leave the house.




Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now