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By LadyMeringue

What made you first take up writing?
Wow.... This might sound weird or funny, but I had a dream when I was like 12 or 13 and I wrote it down and it was my poem titled " A friend"

The person you are the closest to?
My sisters, I love my sisters.

Your dream city?
I really want to visit Dubai. It is so beautiful and I can do a lot of shopping.

Your favorite show?
Any Korean drama.

Most memorable moment on wattpad?
When I got a 1k reads on my poetry book "my deepest thoughts". I was so happy!

Best friend on wattpad?
I don't have best friend in real life or on wattpad. I don't believe in best friend, if I choose to be friends with someone, I will treat them the same way I treat my other friends. I don't trust humans enough to be best friends with them.

Cakes or ice cream?
Ice cream. I love cake, but I can get tired of eating cakes faster that I would of I am eating ice cream. But cakes are also really good.

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