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Questions by CottonC12

First I will like to thank you for asking me so many questions.  Some of this questions I had to think hard know before answering because I never really thought about them before. 

Favorite book on Wattpad?
I am a big fan of poetry and currently,  my favorite book that I enjoy reading is my kaleidoscope by Shreylockholme

Favorite book of a Published author?
Someone asked me to read this book called "Akata Witch" by Nne di Okorafor,  and I loved it! 

Favorite color?
My favorite color is Pink.  I know not a lot of people like pink,  but I love it!

Got any pet?
I actually do not have any pet,  but I'd love to get a kitten.

Plans for future?
OMG, I have so many plans for my future!  I will like to first go to college and double major in pre med / biology and creative writing.  Since I have to go to medical school after taking pre med to be a pediatrician,  I can just be a poet and be publishing my book to make some money!  So,  I want a big family right?  So when I get married,  I will like to have four kids in total,  I want to give birth to two of them myself and then adopt two other kids.  I will also like to give back to the community,  so when I start making money,  I will like to donate to different charities. 

Gone out of country or state?
I was born in Nigeria,  I don't know if that count. 

Had a Boyfriend?
Nope,  boys are not my priority right now,  and they never were ,  as you can see,  I have lots of plans for the future,  I don't have time for boys.  #sorrynotsorry.

Embarrassing stories?
I don't really have any,  I don't really talk that much or go outside ,  so I don't have any chance to embarrass myself. 

She asked more questions,  but I will be answering those in the next chapter.  Thank you for reading
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Also ask questions if you have any
I will try my best to answer them.

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