Author's Note/Introduction

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Hello acquaintance, I don't really know what I'm doing in the middle of the night (but it's a something). Also, you don't mind me calling you an acquaintance correct? I feel as though if you take time out of your day to read the beginnings of what seems to be a mess of a work, you deserve at least some kind of title. Recently I have gone over my past works I have written and found myself wanting to write more. I'm just some person who writes barely anything most times, I go to college like the normal everyday young blood who graduates from college.

If only I had a handful of adventures under my hood (unlike those in Penny Dreadful), not that I wish to die like said characters. I take kindly I constructive criticism, but don't take bullshit so if I were to even smell a comment filled with bullshitery, it will be rightfully reported and or deleted. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Post script: All rights of Penny Dreadful belong to it's creators. Any artwork or music I display also belong to it's creators. The only rights I have is solely over the character(s) I create, because this is a fanfiction.

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