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Diana P.O.V

" What's up guys I've got a nervous Elli waiting " I said.

" nervous why is she ok ? " Harry said.

" yeah she just gets nervous when she's alone. What's going on ? " I asked.

" Look I know that I haven't known Elli long-

" 4 hours " I interrupted.

" yeah but she seems really nice. She's good with kids, she's sweet, she has a beautiful smile, beautiful eyes. Let me not get into how beautiful she is, but I want to get to know her more. " Harry said.

" Harry do you like her ? " I asked.

" maybe " He said.

" look I don't mean to burst your bubble or anything cause trust me you two would be an amazing couple but she's about to go away with her dancing school " I said.

" when ? "Harry asked.

" in two days " I said.

" Ok, we will still be in town. I have two days that's fine I can work with that " Harry said.

" Harry don't fall in love with her " I said.

" w-why not ? " he asked.

" just don't it's best if you don't okay Harry " I said

" guys what's going on " Elli said approaching us.

" uh um Harry was just showing us eh um -

" his butterfly tattoo " I interupted niall.

" oh let me see ! " Elli said.

" you wanna see butterfly tattoo " Harry stuttered.

" okay well were just gonna go " Louis said gesturing to us.

" yeah " I said.

" why ? " Elli asked.

" We already saw it " I said following the boys.

Harry P.O.V

" oh. Um " Elli said.

" do you still want to see it ? " I asked.

" sure everyone else did " she said coming closer to me.

I pulled my shirt over my head and she took a step closer.

" wow " she said touching the ink etched in my skin.

" what do you think ? " I asked.

" it's amazing " she said.

I smiled.

" I love it " she said.

" me too " I said putting on my shirt.

" great all that's next is to show me the tattoo that says Brasil " she said smiling walking back to the boys.

" she touched me " I said to myself.

I entered the room where the boys were to see Elli changing out of her dress.

" what's she doing ? " I asked.

" she's gonna rehearse her dance routines " Niall said.

" but she doesn't have clothes " I said.

" all I need is a big shirt I have spandex on " Elli said.

" you can use mine " I said.

" you sure I can ask Lou if I can borrow one " Elli said.

" no it's fine " I said tugging off my shirt.

" okay " she said accepting my shirt.

She pulled it over her head and took off her dress and her shoes. She tied up her hair and the boys and I watched as she warmed up. Diana came with a professional camera that the staff is letting her borrow to get some shots of Elli.

" alright ready when you are " Diana said.

" I hate dancing bare foot but oh well " Elli said.

" ok give me a pirouette " diana said.

" ok " Elli said.

She set herself up and we watched as she began her turn.She spun around at least 3 times and added a jump at the end.

" perfect " Diana said.

" perfect that was horrible " elli said.

" Elli come on it was perfect " Diana said.

" no way my jump was so off " she said.

" Elli stop beating yourself up about things. It was perfect. " Diana said.

" ok fine " she said.

After and hour of her rehearsing she sat down taking a break. She looked at me and smiled then looked away. I sat there thinking about what a date with her would be like. I could see it now. We would go to the cafe, and sit and talk all night. Maybe walk around London a bit. I can show her everything.

" will you go on a date with me ? " I blurted out.

I didn't even realize until Louis looked at me. Did I really just say that. I looked at a wide eyed Diana with her jaw basically touching the floor.

" what ? " Elli asked.

" what " I said.

" I think you just-

" excuse me " I said rushing out of the room.

Elli P.O.V

I watched Harry rush out of the room. I heard what he said. He asked me to go on a date with him. A phrase I never thought I would hear from him. I stood up and ran after him. I caught him going down the hall.

" Harry ! ' I said grabbing his hand turning him around.

" Im sorry I didn't mean t-

" yes " I said interrupting him.

" yes ? " he asked.

" yes I will go on a date with you. " I said.

" you will ? " he said smiling.

" yeah " I said returning a smile.

" oh thats great " he said hugging me tightly.

" let's just hope this storm stops soon " I said.

" yeah ehm we should probably go back " Harry said.

" yeah " I said following Harry.

We walked back in the room and I din't notice I was still holding Harry's hand. I held his finger tips in my hand, so our hands weren't interlocked I just didn't let go. Diana's hand shot over her mouth as she watched the tv.

" what ? " I asked.

" elli y-your house " she said shakily pointing to the tv.

" what " I said turning toward the tv only to see the hurricane in my town wiping out my house.

" oh my god " I said.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. My home, I just witnessed my house get torn apart by a hurricane. My hand slipped from Harry's and went straight to cover my mouth. I tried not to let my tears fall but they did.

" elli " Harry said softly.

" mhm " I said.

" are you okay ? " he asked.

" yeah "

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