An out of breath Evelyn shouted, "Let's get out of this area! If there were two here others may be close." One of the survivors commented, "Sounds like a plan Ellen." "Evelyn, my name is Evelyn!" The group ran for about fifteen minutes then walked, looking over their shoulder to make sure they were not being followed. They headed west towards California, as they figured California's diverse landscape would be more suitable for their survival.

The group of eight used the Arizona desert as a bed, sleeping amongst the Joshua trees and scorpions, which were also used for protein. It was a breezy night, with dust being thrown lightly around. Before falling asleep, Evelyn approached Adam who was laying on his back, looking up at the stars. Evelyn laid down next to him. "Hey hero," she said playfully but sincerely. "I'm no hero," Adam said, continuing, "I helped you because it was the right thing to do, it came naturally." Evelyn turned on her side, and while brushing her dirty blonde hair from her face replied, "Like a hero!" "Oh right, I am pretty magical," replied a sarcastic Adam. Evelyn smiled. "Hey, don't get cocky. I didn't say you were a superhero!" The two shared a much needed laugh. It has been way too long since any survivor has laughed. Evelyn rolled over and hugged Adam, whispering, "Thank you. You actually were my superhero!" Evelyn gave Adam a kiss on the side of his face, then looked up at the beautiful stars. She said, "If we basically follow Interstate 10, it will eventually become Pacific Coast Highway, and the beaches of Santa Monica and Malibu." "Good to have a Cali girl in our group, surfer girl." Evelyn smiled and fell asleep with the desert as a bed, and her old, torn coat as a pillow.

By daylight the group had made it to the east edge of Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix appeared to be pretty quiet. No cars, no zombies, and of course, no other humans. Scorpions were plentiful, as the zombie war had no toll against most small creatures and insects. Before nightfall, the survivors trapped twenty-four scorpions which they divided, giving them three a piece to enjoy as dinner. They also found running water in an abandoned office building which they used to first drink from, then filled their canteens to the top.

They walked twenty miles before resting in the shade of a giant Saguaro Cactus, in the ghost town of Buckeye Arizona. After a brief rest, they entered an abandoned restaurant, hoping the electricity was still on, and there would be food left. The front door was wide open, indicating zombies may have already been there, seeking shelter, or humans. The eight entered cautiously and began to look around. Immediately two large male zombies came up behind two men of the group, men from Nevada and Utah. The zombies struck them with blows to the back of the head with cast iron skillets. The impacts were too much and the two fell to the floor, passing on to the next world. That left the group with only four males left, a lady in her late sixties, and Evelyn. The odds of survival were definitely not in their favor.

The group ran back towards the front door but were met by eleven zombies, mostly male with a couple of females. Three of the male zombies grabbed a male survivor, stabbing him in the side with a kitchen knife and dragging him off to have a meal. Another male tried to run past the wall of zombies, but was immediately tackled and was killed by blunt force trauma to the head. It turns out skillets are the weapon of choice for this group of undead soldiers.

The remaining survivors found the back door to the rear of the kitchen and ran. The one stop in Buckeye cost the American's to lose four more, bringing their nationwide total down to four. After about a quarter mile run into the desert, Adam turned to check behind them. "Guys, we're safe now." The group stopped and took only small sips of water from their canteens, not knowing where their next water source will be, or when it will come. Evelyn looked at the other three, shaking her head. "Guys! We have to go into areas thinking zombies are there! We are down to four! Four!" She wiped a tear from her right eye. The oldest surviving woman, the lady in her late sixties named Robin, sat down to catch her breath and looked up at Evelyn. "And you know what girl, you're America's only hope. Sure, the small group of European survivors may give humanity some hope for the future, but you never know what their dynamics are. Are they able to reproduce? Who knows?" Evelyn wiped another tear from her eye and brushed her hair back off her face. "Well, if I can be America's and possibly humanities savior, then so be it." Adam chuckled then replied, "Yeah Evelyn, you will be written in history books!" Evelyn grinned and said, "Yeah, we'll see. First we have to survive. Let's keep going."

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