Chapter 15- Choices

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The Boss' steel grey eyes bore right through me. Even though it's just the two of us in the room, it feels as if I'm being scrutinized by hundreds of judges.

I think back to my earlier encounter with him on my first day of work. So much has changed since then. I went from employee with potential grounds of promotion to a wanted man in just a few days.

Lucky me.

Since the Boss already knows about my shenanigans, I'm out of the chance to regale him with my own crazy tales. Bummer. I'll just have to answer boring questions now.

"So, tell me, Maxx," his smooth voice asks, "why would you ever carry out such a brazen plan?" He rests a hand on his desk. Its metal decals seem interesting, but I honestly couldn't care less at the moment.

"I did it because people need to know." I take a deep breath. "I did it for the truth."

"Truth? And what makes you think that people would want to hear the truth?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the government has been lying to them for too long and they'd like a chance for their eyes to be opened," I practically snarl. The Boss smiles.

"Mr. Vasser, you are a criminal charged with the highest degree of treason, speaking with the leader of one of the most powerful government agencies. I would not speak such words if I were you." His words are calm, but there is a deadly undertone to them. He can have me killed at any second, and we both know it.

I fold my arms across my chest. "As you wish." The pain from my dislocated shoulder flares up again, almost making me question my existence.

"Since you think that you are so clever, let me share a bit of news with you. I'm sure you got the message, correct?" the Boss inquires, raising an eyebrow.

"The one that caused that extremely annoying beeping which made me want to rip my eardrums out? Yeah, I got it," I snidely remark. The Boss isn't amused, but I'm feeling too angry to just let my feelings slide.

"Then you will remember that specific instructions were given to all TKA employees."

I rack my brains. "Just that they were to leave and meet somewhere else."

"Yes, but you're forgetting something."

I frown. "No, I don't- wait, they had to log out, too..." My sentence hangs in the air as I realize what the Boss is getting at.

"They didn't see your little message because they were already logged out. And in the time of your arrest, I personally got on and removed it. All of your hard work amounted to nothing. And since we now have your original journal in our safe keeping, we will be sure that it is properly disposed of," he claims, the corners of his lips turning up in a cruel expression.

I try to hide it, but I know my pure disappointment flashes across my face anyways. I should have known. I was too caught up in the moment to realize it, but I should have known.

I should have given it to that blonde kid after all.

Except that the Gifted were all a ruse. I want to scream, to cry, to punch a wall, something, anything to get rid of this terrible choking feeling welling up inside of me. It radiates out from my chest, swallowing my head and spreading to my toes. It rocks through my entire body, a vicious tidal wave that leaves nothing in its wake.

But the Boss is my enemy, and I refuse to show weakness in front of anyone, much less him. So I bottle it all up, and though I feel like I'm about to explode, I'd call it a success.

"You took that extremely well," he smirks, "I'm impressed."

"You could say that." Despite my best efforts, my voice sounds a bit hoarse.

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