"Yeah, I will. Thanks, bro," Ashley returned. CC ended the call, and Sanger turned to Eloise Han, who had joined them a few moments earlier.

      "I had dispatch contact the patrol units by phone, like you wanted," she reported. "They've been ordered to maintain radio silence, so none of the media folks can listen in on their scanners and run down there to screw everything up."

      "Good. We can't exactly sneak up on this prick if there are news vans trying to parallel park on the lawn," Sanger replied. "What's the ETA?"

      "Tad Baldwin and his partner were within five minutes of the location, so they were going to park around the block and make their way on foot, staying out of sight until backup officers get there," Han informed him. "If they haven't surrounded the place already, it should happen anytime now."

      Sanger let out a relieved sigh and turned his attention back to his phone. Sergeant Tad Baldwin was a ten-year veteran of the force, with an excellent record and several commendations for bravery, practically guaranteed promotion whenever he chose to take the detective's exam. Pulling up his contact list, he dialed Baldwin's number, and before the first ring had ended he heard, "Yeah, Lieutenant, what's the word?"

      "The word is to be prepared for an armed and dangerous suspect, quite possibly 'The Streetsweeper'. He killed two more people at Paramount Studio earlier today, and planted another car bomb," Sanger explained. "I'm putting you in charge until I, or another detective, arrive on scene. Let the others know what to expect, keep yourselves out of sight until everyone is ready to go in, and for God's sake, keep it quiet!"

      "Will do, Lieutenant."

      Ending the call, Sanger looked around until he spotted a pair of patrolmen walking toward their vehicle, and hailed them. They jogged over, and he said, "I need you to transport Ms. Malveaux and Mr. Purdy to the station so they can give their statements. Detective Han and I have to go to another scene, but we'll be there as soon as possible."

      "Detective, my car is right here in the lot, I can drive there myself," Briar interjected. "I mean, it's not like you have to worry about us not showing up or anything."

      "Absolutely not a chance in hell!" Sanger rejoined, holding out his hand. "In fact, I need your keys, so I can have your car checked out as well, I'm not taking any chances this time."

      Realizing that she had no chance of winning an argument on the subject, she dug out her keys and explained exactly where she had parked. Then she and Ashley followed the officers to the squad car and climbed inside. As they pulled away, Briar noticed the strain showing on Ashley's face, and she reached out, placing her hand over his. He gave her a faint smile and lightly squeezed her fingers as she said, "He slipped up this time, Ash, and hopefully when Sanger comes back to the station, he'll tell us that this is all over."

      "Yeah, I hope so," he replied, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the seat. "I really fuckin' hope you're right."


      Checking his clothing once again for any blood that might have seeped through the coveralls, he exited the bathroom, glancing around the bedroom as he debated on the best place to wait. As he pondered, a flash caught his eye and he looked toward the window, seeing a car in the driveway.

      Realizing that it wasn't Purdy's vehicle, he edged around the bed to stand by the window, taking care not to expose himself in the window as he peered through a gap in the curtains. Someone sat behind the wheel, apparently talking on the phone, but a thin, long-haired man finally emerged and began walking toward the front door.

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