Chapter 3

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Dawn and dusk when they collide they make twilight... and when the sun and moon collide they make an eclipse....twilight is a soft and comforting hour, while an eclipse...could and can harm you from the violent blaze of the suns rays...

Two days later......

Crowshade walked out of the warriors den and looked around as his tail swayed back and fourth impatiently as he waited for the sun to rise above the horizon.... Doveflight was coming in from behind crowshade and looked at him...."what are you waiting for...?" Doveflight meowed quietly... "the sun to come up so I can hunt..." "Crowshade....don't you ever want or need a break....?" There was a moment of silence before crowshade sighed and looked at doveflight "Then what do you suppose we do..?" "Well sit back and relax a course!" Crowshade turned around to completely face Doveflight..."why would we do that the clan could come into contact with danger and we wouldn't be able to help..?" "Crowshade....just for the time of dawn patrol to relax won't hurt a thing..." crowshade growled slightly "fine...I'm assuming that's what you were doing when me and darkpelt got attack!!" He spat in a aggressive hiss "Crowshade this isn't about that!!" "That didn't answer my question Doveflight!! Were you relaxing when darkpelt and me were attacked!?" Doveflight's ears flattened and looked at crowshade "yes....." "exactly!! So no thank you but I rather not relax and risk another death!" Doveflight looked up and snarled and jumped infront of crowshade "THEN LET ME RISK MY LIFE INSTEAD OF YOU RISKING YOUR OWN!!" Doveflight hissed loudly enough it could move trees..crowshade surprised stepped back and his ears flattened as he listened with a dull look.. "YOUR ALWAYS RISKING YOUR LIFE BUT IM NEVER RISKING MINE!!! IF IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPIER THEN ILL TAKE ALL YOUR SPOTS ON PATROLS JUST TO BE USEFUL LIKE YOU WANT ME TO BE DAMN IT!!!" Crowshade stepped closer to Doveflight and hissed at her "if you want to be useful then get out of my way..." "NO!! YOUR NOT GETTING HURT AGAIN!!! I WONT ALLOW THAT!!" Doveflight spat back at crowshade "Doveflight for the last TIME GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" Doveflight hissed at crowshade "get...out..of...." Crowshade launched himself at doveflight "MY WAY!!" Doveflight toke only a few seconds to realize that her own littermate had attacked her...and she didn't hesitate with her next actions....

Doveflight launched her jaw and teeth into crowshade's shoulder and unsheathed her claws into crowshade's neck in which crowshade yowled in an angry fit and Doveflight threw crowshade off her... as crowshade landed on his paws his own claws unsheathed and launched himself at doveflight again and Doveflight charged at crowshade at the same time with Doveflight biting crowshade's front leg and crowshade biting Doveflight's neck...Doveflight yowled from crowshade's deep bite and after kicking crowshade off her again struggled to stay up as her tail ducked between her legs...just as Doveflight was about to charge at crowshade with tears in her eyes a cat interfered "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!!" It was shrewtail the new deputy crowshade stopped but Doveflight kept on trying to charge at crowshade "LET ME TEACH THIS FOX A LESSON!!!" "ILL KILL HIM JUST LET ME DO IT!!!" Doveflight screeched whilst crying. "Doveflight!!! STOP IT!!" Before Doveflight knew it her cheek was being clawed by the powerful force of shrewtails front paw. And fell to the ground struggling to get up, anger burning in her eyes as crowshade just stared. Doveflight had three open claw mark wounds on her cheek and a complete blood mess of a neck...and the blood stained her long hair and Petalfall raced in. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF STARCLAN HAPPENED!?!" Petalfall saw crowshade with a little bit of blood on his mouth and claws and saw the mess that Doveflight was... "YOU BASTERED!!" Petalfall charged at crowshade but was stop by owlstar "all of you cut it out!!" Owlstar looked sternly at Petalfall who growled and backed away ears flattened and crowshade who just stood there...eventually Doveflight fell down onto her side.. "Petalfall take Doveflight to puddlewave for crowshade I'm going to have a talk with him..." owlstar hissed and looked at crowshade. Petalfall carried Doveflight to the medicine cat den and nuzzled Doveflight and licked her cold nose... and walked out as Puddlewave started wrapping Doveflight's wounds in cobwebs and went to find herbs to leave Doveflight to her rest....

A cat approached from outside to inside the medicine cat den, Doveflight was up and a lot more calmer then before.... "hey Doveflight...I can see your still mad at me...." it was crowshade and Doveflight growled weakly..."you attacked me you're better off dead at this point..." "I cant argue with that...hell I might rather want to be dead then alive..." "right now...?" "No, I feel like that all the time..." Crowshade laughed pathetically and laid down by Doveflight who growled as he got closer... "look I'm sorry...I know you just didn't want me to risk me life again..." a hiss was heard "That's part of it...but the other part is I wanted to be useful and prove you damn wrong!!" Doveflight spat but then went silent and looked down.... "I'm a bad cat.....I'm a mess and a Fox hearted mouse brain..." you had every right to attack me back...I wouldn't mind if you killed me right now...if you are don't keep me waiting..."

Doveflight looked in shook at crowshade but didn't say a thing for a moment "Crowshade I'm not going to kill you.....I was angry then and still am now but....even then I wouldn't have the heart to kill you...." Crowshade looked at doveflight with tears in his eyes "why? I'm so horrible to you, I know I wouldn't hesitate to murrder a cat who treated me like how I treat you!!" "Because your not all bad!!! You have a harder time expressing your feelings and when you do they are intense!!!" "It was my fault for not letting you through crowshade, what you did was because of how much of a mouse brain I was being...!" "Doveflight.....your so damn naive it's not even adorable at this point...." Crowshade got up and walked out of the den as Doveflight growled at those words "IDIOT!!!" Doveflight screeched.

Fernpaw walked around camp as in wonder "greyfoot?" "Greyfoot!?" Fernpaw mewed as if she was a kit again.... greyfoot walked up to fernpaw and touched noses with fernpaw "what is it that you need?" "Greyfoot I'm worried...really worried..." "Well that's unusual fernpaw is usually never worried or anxious, so what's the problem kit?" "Well I feel watched as if I'm being stalked.....and I'm the prey...I don't feel like hunting by myself today..." fernpaw's tail ducked between her back legs and looked at greyfoot... "oh...well I can understand your concern we can do your assessment another day..." greyfoot started heading towards the exit of camp and fernpaw stood there "greyfoot....I can't move...I'm terrified for my life...." greyfoot started looking worried now and nudged fernpaw towards the exit of camp and eventually she started moving and followed greyfoot with flattened ears and her tail ducked between her legs..."I dont want to be a warrior anymore...."

In the nursery honeytail was laying down as her three kits bounced around her except the fourth one being daykit who stayed napping and cuddled into her mother's soft fur... daykits other siblings were poppykit stripedkit and pinekit.....poppykit was a young beautiful tortoise shell she-cat with emerald green eyes and stripedkit being a dark brown tabby she-cat with light brown stripes with yellow eyes and finally pinekit a hazel brown Tom with yellow eyes. The other queens helped watched honeytails kits as the other queens didn't have kits with them yet. Though honeytails kits were old enough to explore outside she was very protective and with what happened hasn't stepped out herself....daykit finally woke and stood up and mewed playfully and tiredly at her siblings and as they chased eachother honeytail smiled soft and warm like the sun... and daykits pelt....

With the two wind winged bird siblings will also have two thunder bird siblings travel with them to stop war...

"I don't get it...I'm a medicine cat I should be able to read these prophecies at least a little..."

Along with a orange river cat and a bright sun sunshine shadow to show confidence...

"I need to...."

With the 6 elements of personality and strengths cats will be aligned in the stars again and blood will be stopped...

"Figure this out..."

Ravenheart's POV

Thunderclan warrior.

A mouse in my jaw I was coming back from a very complete hunt and a course hawkfeather my littermate was right by me with a squirrel. I'm a thunderclan warrior....and food has been scarce and limited, but somehow he managed to catch a squirrel...hawkfeather is a weak hunter alone but when hunting with me we could collect a whole pile of mice if food wasn't so scarce....he is a terrific fighter but not so much for me, but together we are unstoppable. We have a close bound and that is a proven fact originally laid down by and hawkfeather are pretty laid back unless provoked, and that is a big flaw in our personality's....we can still get the job done and that's all that matters....

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