After the phone call, I get Maid Sarah on the phone, she easily gives all the information I need. She seemed worried when she heard Aria was unconscious, she truly is like a mother to Aria. I give the nurse the clipboard, she nods.

"She should wake up in a few hours, if you'd like to sleep, Alpha." The nurse tells me, then leaves the room. I look at Aria, they had put her under the blanket so she was comfortable. I pull a chair over to the side of the bed and sit down in it. I grab her hand, I still get the sparks, which helps ease my wolf and I. I can't fall asleep, what if she wakes up when I'm asleep.

6 hours later

Aria still isn't awake, it's now morning. The heart monitor is beeping the same rhythm it has for the past few hours. I'm still holding her hand, I haven't let go. They had to connect a feeding and breathing tube, because she's been unconscious for so long. I suddenly hear a knock on the door, I mumble a 'come in' thinking it was a nurse checking on Aria. But it was actually my parents, my mother waltz in, my father following behind.

"Honey, did you get any sleep?" My mother worries, holding my face in her hands.

"I can't sleep, but I'm fine, Mom." I sigh, moving my head out of her hands.

"How is she?" My father asks, standing at the end of the bed.

"She's doing okay, she was supposed to wake up by now." I say, staring at her, hoping to see her beautiful eyes open.

"Don't worry, she'll wake up." My mother states, placing a hand on my shoulder. We fall into a comfortable conversation. It's nice having my parents around, being alone was starting to get boring.

"Soon you'll be having pups in this room." My mother casually states, looking around the room. I nearly choked on how casually she said that, as if it was apart of the small talk.

"Dear, they've known each other for 2 days." My father says, shocked at my mother as well.

"So, I'm getting old and I want grand pups." My mother pouts, she's always so dramatic.

"This actually won't be where we'll be having pups, Mom." I say, deciding I had to tell her at some point.

"What do you mean?" She states, confused.

"Aria is the heir, Mom, she's going to be Queen and I, her King." I say, locking eyes with my mother.

"Does that mean you're leaving? Who will take over the pack?" My father asks, my mother now in shock.

"We have to head back to the Royal Kingdom in 3 months, I have to decide who takes over by that point." I say, "Our coronation is in 4 months."

"Wow, my son is gonna be King!" My father proudly states.  Both my parents come over to give me a hug. As they are doing this, I feel my hand being squeezed. I pull away from my parents and look at Aria. She stirring, her eye lids start to flutter.

"Mom, go get Dr. Steve." I say, still looking at Aria. Her eyes open, she looks around for a bit till her eyes land on me. "Hey, baby."

"Hey, Damon." She smiles warmly at me. "What happened?"

"You fainted when we got the pack." I tell her softly, playing with her fingers. We both look down at our interlocked hands, mesmerized at the amazing sparks erupting under our skin. Our little moment was interrupted by Dr. Steve walking in. Both of us snap out of the trance and look at him.

"Good to see you awake, Princess." He smiles, checking her vitals.

"Do you know why I fainted, doctor?" Aria asks, she's so polite.

"After checking all your vitals and medical history, the only answer I can find is that you have a form of anxiety. It most likely formed from your childhood, not being in many social situations. Your mind will most likely cause you to have panic attacks whenever you are in very stressful or overwhelming situations. While it could be triggered, it also could happen for unknown reasons. I sadly do not have any medication to help you with this issue as most human forms of medication do not work on werewolves. I advise you try to slowly introduce yourself into larger events and remove yourself from overwhelming situations when you can. I'm sorry to bring you this news." Dr. Steve states.

Aria's POV

I slowly take in all this information, I have anxiety. No wonder I would have panic attack in the middle of the night growing up.

"If you have any other questions, I'm always here for you, you may leave whenever you want, goodbye your Highness." The doctor says, leaving the room. I bite my lip while staring off into space, I can't believe I've never noticed this.

"Are you okay, Aria?" Damon asks, I look over at him, he looks so tired, I wonder how long it's been since he slept. I nod my head, trying to give him a smile.

"Do you feel ready to leave?" He asks.

"Yeah, I really want to change." I fake laugh, hoping he believes me. He laughs as well, which I take as he believes me. I don't know why, but find out I have anxiety really dragged me down. Damon helps me out of the hospital, after the nurses took my IV out. We reach outside, Damon still has a arm around waist. A expensive looking car pulls up in front of us, Damon helps me into the passenger side of the car. I remember how to buckle, as Damon starts the car.

"Do you have two cars?" I ask.

"No, the SUV was one of the packs transportation vehicles." He says, driving past the big house, I'm guessing is the pack house.

"Do you not live in the pack house?"

"No, it got too noisy for me to concentrate on work, so I built a house of my own." He says. "Also, so my mate and I can have so privacy." I see him wiggle his eyebrows at me, making me turn red. We pull up to a beautiful modern style house, it looks so out of place in this forest. He parks the car in the drive way, and I hop out of the car right away. We walk up to the front door together, he opens the door and I step in.

"'s gorgeous." I look around in awe, this is my dream house. It's super open planned, just from the main foyer, I can see some of the kitchen, the living room, a small but if the dining room, and the backyard. The stairs are right next to me, above me hangs a beautiful chandelier from the second story. The house was all either adorned with glass and dark wood, it was amazing.

"Would you like to go upstairs?" Damon asks, after I've been standing, looking around for a bit.

"Sure, I love this house." I compliment, following him up the stairs. He shows me a few guest bedroom, which are gorgeous, and his office. Then he shows me the master bedroom, which is heaven. Directly in front of the bed is a huge glass wall, showcasing the forest but most importantly, the beach.

"I thought you would like the view." Damon smiles, laying down on the bed, putting his arm over his eyes. He looked so tired, I would ask him to take me to the beach but he was exhausted. I go over to the bed, laying down next to him.

"Did you sleep at all while I was out?" I ask, as I move his arm, so I can look at him. He shakes his head 'no'. "Tell me where my clothes are and then we can sleep."

He points at a door, which I guess is the closet. I open it to find all my clothes hung up, next to Damon's. I grab a pair of black running shorts, underwear, a bra, and tank top. It was much hotter here, than the Royal Kingdom. I walk to the other door, hoping it's the bathroom, I was right. I quickly change, when I go back into the bedroom, Damon has changed into grey basketball pants, and no shirt. Oh boy. He looks like he's already asleep, so I slip in beside him. I keep my distance from him, hoping not to wake him. Suddenly I feel an muscular arm wrap around my waist pulling me into his chest. Damon kisses my forehead, and whispers 'goodnight"


Hope y'all liked it, should I put a trigger warning before the doctor comes in?
Please let me know!

Word count: 2030

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