"We came right over to see the progress of your daughters disappearance" Gaelio said with worry, that was his fiancé after all.

"Did she really just disappear, or is it something else?" McGillis questioned

"What are you trying to imply McGillis" (DN) said, growing a little angry towards McGillis

"That maybe she up and left because she was tired of being bossed around by her horrible parents"

"McGillis!!" Gaelio shouted

"How dare you come to my household and say those things"

"Correct me if I'm wrong?"

"You're right McGillis" (MN) said


"I see, so my assumptions were correct" McGillis said "No worries, we're willing to help, but I want something in exchange"

Back to you - A Few Hours Later

"You kids got a lot of nerve using us a bait" I heard one of the older men yell at Orga and the other guys.

I stood in the hallway with the younger boys listening to the first group yell. I could make out the sound of someone being punched

I couldn't take anymore of this. Everyone risked their lives to save this hell hole and this is what they get in return. I ran into the room

"What the hell is wrong with you" I started "These guys risked everything while you ran. They're more of a man than any of you ever be."

Before I could say anything else, I was knocked onto the ground. My jaw aches in pain. I had been punched in the face.

"That'll teach you some respect punk" he continued to kick me repeatedly before it suddenly stopped. I sat up to see Orga fighting back. You're probably wondering what happened. Well...........

Last Night/Early Morning

It was late that night, I wasn't really tired and decide to walk around the base. Probably wasn't the wisest idea, but you only live once right. I made my way outside and sat there watching the sky.

"What are you doing here" I turned around to see Orga with a not so happy look on his face

"What's up Orga"

"I'll ask again, what are you doing here" he said

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd get some fresh air" I answered, he made his way towards me, stopping right in front of me looking down at me. Of course because of the height difference.

"Look, you can't just be out here this late at night. There's no telling who's out here and what anyone could do"

"Whoa, Orga calm down. I come out here all the time. You're acting like we're under attack or something"

Before anymore words could be exchanged. A siren went off on the base.Orga and I ran back into the base to find the first core group, along with Mikazuki.

A Noble Runaway {Orga x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now