She didn't speak to him, it was like she was mute. Even if she wanted to yell out and scream, she couldn't. Her mouth was dry, and she was dying from heartbreak.

East sat on the bed beside her on the bed, pulling her up to him. He held her tightly, the sobs grew louder, and she finally had the break down she needed.

The one that caused her pain, was the shoulder she cried on.

Laying down, he kicked off his shoes and she cuddled closer to him.

Tomorrow was hell to come, and Aubrey was preparing herself for it. She had a lot to say to East.

For the first time in Two Weeks, she was going to get herself together, and East was going to regret showing up.

The morning came, and Aubrey crawled from bed, she bathed, brushed her teeth and cooked herself a meal. East didn't deserve anything.

She stared at the butcher knife placed neatly with the other knives and thought about stabbing him up.

She didn't know how to hide a body, so she decided against it. Walking into her room she pushed East.

He was getting good sleep, like she did last night. The three hour rest nights before did nothing for her. Dave might've been her missing piece if she didn't hate him so much.

"We need to talk, so I need you to get yourself together, and meet me in the living room." Walking out the room, she tried to gather the words that she would say to him.

She prayed on it last night before she fell asleep. God said amp.

She sat looking at the blank screen, and eventually fell asleep on the couch until East came out.

When he did, Aubrey still didn't feel like she had her words together. That's how much she wanted to say.

"I'm going to talk, and you're going to listen to me. What you did makes you a trash human being. You will never change my mind about that. Finding out about my parents death should've been something you had a normal conversation with me about. Especially because you know how much they mean to me." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"That was a slap in the face, and no matter how mad you were you never tell someone something like that. I liked you as a person. I thought you were better than that. I welcomed you into my home the night you were drunk. I stepped out of my comfort zone to sleep with you every night so you wouldn't be lonely. We're not even fucking. I took on wife roles, and we haven't even kissed. I was okay with all of that because you seem like you needed someone to be there for you. So it took you two weeks, and an apology hasn't even escaped your lips." East opened his mouth to speak, but Aubrey held her hand up to stop him.

"You should never ever fix your lips to throw something like that in my face. I want my key, I want you to get everything from inside of my apartment and I want you to leave me alone for good. I'm not a bad person, and I don't deserve any of this. The things that keep getting thrown my way in life, I can't keep dodging it. I'm tired. I don't want to be here." Her eyes glossed, and she quickly wiped away her tears.

"May I talk now?" East felt like a little bitch for even asking a question like that. He wanted to get back on her good side. He realized he missed her, and he may have actually liked Aubrey.

He wished it didn't take him hurting her feelings to do so. He didn't think he'd be able to make it right.

"I originally came to apologize, but seeing you like that last night I just knew that you needed to be held. I'm so sorry bro. Everyone that I learn to care about I end up pushing away. My moms don't even talk to me anymore, how can anyone love a nigga like me? I'm fucked up in the head, I'm just a fuck up. I need you to forgive me more than I need air to breathe right now, and this is the one thing in my life I'm sure about. Renee, You don't ever have to talk to me again, but just please find a way to forgive me. I wasn't always like this, I was a decent kid, this game changed me, you see shit, and it messes you up, you do shit that just has you numb. I never care about anyone or anything until you came into my life. Just, please Aubrey?" The tears came down East face, this was his first time crying since he was 15. He's been through a lot of shit, and admitting his wrongs had to be the hardest.

"I'm not right, but I'll get better. I'll do better if you just help me, let me help you. We gotta get through this together. We gotta grow together." Aubrey thought about it, and she shook her head no.

"I can't do this with you David, I don't want to do this with you. At least not now. I wasn't the cause of your damage, but you were the cause of mine. I might've let the hurt go, and I would've been okay with not knowing my parents were dead. I would've been okay if you would've just talked to me like a man that you claim to be. However, East being East had to win in everything, and you had to make sure my feelings hurt more than yours. So congratulations, you broke me. Now, I'm going to have to put myself together piece by piece because I will always have me. I will always build myself up. The Devil will not get the best of me. You will NOT get the best of me. So, now I think it's time for you to pack your shit and exit out of my life because frankly my dear, you don't deserve a real bitch like me. Step."

Aubrey felt good defending herself, and she meant every word of it.

She would forgive East soon enough, but that didn't mean they had to talk. It just meant she was going to forgive and wash her hands with him and anything that came along with him.

"Oh sweet architect, My bones are heavy and my soul's a mess. Come find my address and build me up."

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