Chapter 21- Getting back to humanity

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“Obviously.” I laughed.

Chase walked into the bathroom and came out holding a robe. He walked over to me holding it open for me to step into. I gave him a questioning look before he spoke.

“As much as I love to look at you I don’t want the whole palace to as well.” He explained.

“Jealous much?”

“Of course I have the hottest girl in the world. I have to look after her.” He laughed; I returned it and slipped into the robe.

“Wait a minute while I change.”  Chase said going into the closet.

I waited on him and in a flash he was out, literally. He smirked at me when I checked him out in his swimming trunks and shirtless body. Yep I was gawking I admit it but come on who wouldn’t. My husband was hot!

“See something you like?” He mocked.

“Yep.” I smiled.

“Good.” He walked over to me and slapped me on the butt before walking out the door. I couldn’t help but smile.

I followed Chase through the palace and out the back to the pool. I had never seen the pool before now but I wish I had. I would have been here all the time if I knew about it. I pulled off my robe and draped it across one of the chairs by the pool. I smiled anxiously before taking a dive in.

When the water hit my skin it felt amazing. It was a hot day and I loved the water. I’m like a fish in it. Chase, Crystal and I all used to be on the swim team last year and we were going to do it this year to but things happened obviously.

 I still miss my home, and parents. Heck I even miss school. If we we’re still back home right now Chase, Crystal, Amy and I and some of our other friends would probably all be hanging out at Ian’s grill like we did most Saturday’s and then we would all go to a party or out somewhere to have fun.

I made a couple of laps around the pool before Chase jumped in beside me. I was so lost in my thought’s I didn’t even realize he wasn’t in the pool yet. When he resurfaced Chase grinned at me mischievously.

“What?” I smiled.

“Wanna race Wells?” he smirked.

“You know it Hayes.” I laughed.

He was still using my nickname even though I was still technically a Hayes now and I was glad. Chase knew I would like that since I am trying to keep some normalcy in my life. I think with my pregnancy my human side was resurfacing again and truth be told I have missed it. Don’t get me wrong I love being a vampire but I have missed humanity too.

“Ok on my mark.” He smiled.”Ready…Go!”

Chase took off in a sprint just before he held out his arm holding me back a little. I should have known he would have done that stunt. It never failed, he done it every time.

“Still haven’t learned have you Wells?” he laughed.

“I guess not.” I huffed.

“Aww don’t get mad. You know you still love me.”

I gave him a serious look until I broke out into a smile. “Yeah you’re right.” I said leaping into his arms.

My lips landed on Chase’s as we began making out. Chase easily lifted me to his waist and wrapped my legs around him. Being in water really makes this easier. I brought my hands to Chase’s hair and ran my fingers through it. Chase moaned into my mouth making me smile. I love that I could do that to him. Before things got any more heated I pulled away.

My Best Friend Is A Vampire And He Wants To Claim MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin