A Dead Man

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Cyris' attackers spun around to face her, startled and at first frightened before nonchalant at the sight of a small female before them. Kleio realized her mistake and without truly thinking about it she reached down and picked up a large stone. The men stalked towards her and she turned and ran away from until she broke into a clearing.

They were hot on her tracks and Kleio's heart raced with the fury of Venger's stampede as she faced the frightening men. She threw the large stone at the second man, he was unarmed and unsuspecting as it hit his face, breaking some skin and making him cry out. He stumbled back and clutched his eye. She wielded her makeshift club with both hands eyeing both men. The second recovered quickly, though he kept his hand on his face. He sneered at her and she prayed fervently for her safety.

She lunged forward and swung the stick, missing the first time. He sliced at her arm with his knife but she stumbled back in the nick of time. Lifting her weapon again she waited as they all shifted in one big circle. The second one crept closer to her and Kleio had no clue what to do. She threw her whole body into the swing, bringing her tree branch up and down upon him. He tried to move backwards but it was too late, the branch hit him in the face with a terrible crack and he fell backwards.

He did not move and Kleio chose to move away in case he did rise again. The man with the knife laughed at her and she saw his eyes rake over her body. She swung weakly at him and he jumped out of the way. She chose that moment to break into a run, losing herself within the trees, darting in an uneven path. She could hear him shouting behind her but she would not look back. A fallen log lay before her, stretching out from behind a large boulder.

Kleio ducked behind it, forcing herself to slow her breathing so she could remain quiet.

Moments passed before she heard his voice,"Your king is a dead man. If you know what's good for ya, you'll run or you'll join him."

She saw him as he stepped over the log. Her heart seized, he was right next to her. But fate had blessed her for he looked in the opposite direction as he stepped not more than three feet in front of her. Kleio jumped to her feet and swung down with all her might, the branch crashing down into the back of his head. He lurched forward and landed on his hands and knees. Kleio hit him once more as hard as she could and that knocked him out for good. She felt sick as blood seeped through his hat.

Kleio covered her mouth and let out a soft cry before turning and running back to her husband as fast as she could. She slid across the mucky moss to him, fear coursing through her whole body as she saw the small knife lodged firmly in his gut. He coughed and blood trickled from his mouth.

"Cyris!" She gently shook him and his head rolled forward.

"Cyris, come on. I'm here.You're going to be okay. I'm here," She blubbered. Groggily he opened his eyes, his breathing was labored and he coughed again.


"Shhh, don't talk. Come on."

Kleio took his arm and draped it around her shoulders. She forced herself to stand, dragging him up with her. He was heavy and she stumbled beneath his weight.

"I need you to walk," She pleaded. Cyris did not respond but after a moment he threw one leg forward and then the other. They stumbled through the woods together, Kleio nearly toppling beneath his weight. Her husband's steps were sloppy and sometimes she had to lean him against a tree so they could both regain their strength.

Cyris would lean his head back and cough, blood splattering along his jaw and his shirt. Red blood seeped through his clothes, slowly dribbling from his wound. Kleio dared not touch the knife though she could only imagine how much pain it brought him. She gently rested her hands on his chest or cupped his face. Her touches were soft and light, actions coming from a plea, a hope that they might rise more life in him. But Kleio was powerless and the sooner she could get them home the more likely he was to live.

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