4 Months Later

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Mayura Pov
I still remember the conversation I had yesterday..
*Mayura this is Rokuro
Rukoru-kun how are you (I say with a smile on my face)
*Chuckle* Im good its nice to hear your voice again Mayura, how are things over there?
Everythings good
*Thats great, but Mayura the reason O called is... Im arriving there 2 days from now I was sent on a mission you now the "Jugon Monoimi" type mission.
Oh ok (frown)
But I also ask permission to actually have a vacation so after my mission I can relax with you guys.
Thats great I should tell everyone they will be so happy (joyful voice)
*Chuckle* You go do that anyway got to go, see you soon Mayura
Ok bye Rokuro-kun
Flashback end...
Day Of The Party
8:00pm in the evening
Seigen Pov
So the brat is finally coming back home
As I look around I must say I am happy Mayura, Benio and the others are laughing while enjoying the food, and as I look towards my wife (remarried) Yakura I am truly happy.
An evil aura suddenly filled the whole room as all of us look towards the door, BOOM! the door suddenly explodes and standing in front of us is a "Jugon Monoimi".
Mayura Pov
A "Jugon Monoimi" as I look around a voice suddenly resonated around the room "Cover your eyes" without second thoughts all of us covered our eyes, as minutes pass we suddenly start hearing scorching sounds.
As we all uncover our eyes, the scorching sound came from where the "Jugon Monoimi" was standing and over it was a figure.... the first thing I said with the scene in front of us was "Rokuro-kun are you ok"

Rokuro Enmadou The New Head of the Amawaka ClanWhere stories live. Discover now