♡I guess its just a routine♡

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It's now Friday morning and I just got done getting ready as I noticed something on my dresser.

A sticky note with a hundred dollar bill on it

Hey I hope you're okay about your uncle, sorry about everything go treat yourself Im on a business trip and wont be back for a week ~Mom

Great. Im stuck with the person I hate most for a week. My uncle.

I head out in a rush to school hoping not to bump into him and thank god I didn't. When I made it to school I was releived to see my friends and gave them all big hugs.

Lia looked at me like she was looking through my soul. And she was.

"What wrong Myra?" She said with a concerned look on her face.

I just stared at them not knowing what to say.

"He's back"


"My uncle."

They just looked at me shocked like they just seen a ghost.

Destiny looked at me like she wanted to kill somebody. "So what do we do about him?"

Lyric looked up like a light bulb went on in her head "I have an idea"

She told us to meet her at the library for lunch and we would talk there.
The day went by so slow. I wasn't even paying attention in class I was just thinking about him. And my past. And what happened to me.

Finally lunch came around and we all met up at the library.

"So whats the idea Lyric?" I said excited about what she was going to say.

She told us the idea that had me on the edge of my seat. "So when are we going to do this?"

"I have somebody who owes me a favor, but he's not back until monday so we'd have to do it on Tuesday" she said with worry on her face.

"Thats perfect Jasai is going out Tuesday and Wednesday and my moms on a business trip for a week!"

I was so excited for Tuesday I couldn't wait to get back at him for everything that happened.

Lunch was over and the rest of the day I planned everything out on my notebook and the plan was perfect.

Finally the last bell rang and I headed to my car when someone pulled me by my wrist and I slammed into their hard chest. I looked up to see Damon.

"Be ready by 8 im picking you up for a party. Wear black. See you later princess." And he smirked then walked away.

I could see all the jealousy of girls staring who were obsessed with him and I just laughed and made my way home.

As soon as I got home I called my besties and told them to help me get ready since I didn't really know what to wear. I hurried and jumped in the shower while I heard them going through my closet.

"He said wear black. Dont you guys think thats strange?"

"I think its adorabllee" Lia said like a little girl.

"Maybe he wanted to match with you?" Destiny said with a confused look on her face.

I laughed "or maybe its because he's part of a gang and all they wear is black" we all laughed.

It was true though i've never seen them wear anything but black. I guess its just a routine.


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~ M

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