Frozen Rage

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    I remember coming too and Fionna was screaming my name. The Ice Queen was closing in on Fionna. I tried to warn her. The words would not form.

   No Fionna run please. Move! Fionna!!!!

   I screamed in my head. A feeling swelled up inside me. My vision went red, a thirst swelled up inside me. The Ice Queen would pay for threatening my girl. My Fionna. I would not let anyone take her from me!!!


   A roar escaped my throat and I was consumed with rage. I turned into my demon form and managed to break the ice. The rest was just a blur. I remember Fionna Screaming for me to stop and the Ice Queen on the floor,  tears in her eyes. My vision was red and I was so hungry....

   My body started to move on its own. My fangs enlarged and I bite into the Ice Queens neck. Her blood was cold and not what I wanted.

   "Marshall stop! Marshall please," begged the Ice Queen. Fionna grabbed me and tried to pull me off. I ignored her.... hungry.....

   The Ice Queen started to tremble and I released her neck. Her skin was a pale blue and I turned back to normal.

   "Over here! I think I heard it from over this way!" That voice was gumball. His voice made me hungry. I looked down and saw the Ice Queen.  I feared what they would do to me so I turned to Fionna...

   I was not prepared for what I saw....

Blood Red FuryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora