Living with an Android (pt. 3)

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(I'm starting to think i need to make actual titles for these chapters 😅)

3rd week

I let out a huff as I look down at the mess I had made. Of course this would happen to me. Of course. Why had I attempted to bake in the first place? Whatever was going through my mind I hoped it was gone forever. Perhaps I would have less things to clean up if it was.

"Mrs. Manfred? Do you need help?" Markus's voice called from behind me. I heard the clear tap of his shoes against the tile floor before he was bent down next to me, both of us staring at the mound of flour I had created after my attempt at baking.

"Yeah yeah, it seems I always need help with something..." I mutter almost sadly. My hands rise to wipe at the flour covering my face. In truth I was surprised I hadn't choked on it by now. The white dust had surely caked my lungs by the amount of it in the air. It almost seemed like we were in the mid-west in the middle of a dust storm.

I wonder if those even happened anymore?

"How are we going to clean this up?" I mutter, standing slowly to my feet. There was absolutely no way I could do this alone. Markus may make it a little easier, but at this point I was praying for a miracle to shower upon us fairy dust.

My feet make a print against the kitchen floor as I step away from the danger sight. The one time I had worn nothing but socks and this is how I was repaid. My luck was nonexistent recently. Silent curses leave me as I shake my head, disappointed in myself for the tragic occurrence I had caused. Hours would go into cleaning this mess up.

"Be careful!" Markus' harsh voice hit me like a brick wall only seconds before a pain shot up my foot. I hiss out, lifting it to see a small pool of red left behind. As soon as my eyebrows furrow in confusion I feel Markus' hand gently placed against the small of my back. Besides the small tint to my cheeks and the shiver down my spine, I could hear a sigh of something from Markus. "There's glass on the floor..."

"Well duh, I know that... now..." I find myself chuckling at myself. Markus didn't seem that impressed with my humor. He gave me a look before bending down slightly. I hadn't even had a moment to process what was going on before my feet were suddenly not touching the kitchen floor.

"You should have been more careful. Now we have to go pick out the glass in your foot..."

"Well I can walk to the bathroom! Put me down!" I let out a small huff as my arms come to wrap around Markus. I clasped them around the back of his neck as I look ahead of us. My father or any onlooker would assume I was observing but... well I was trying to fight the blush rising on my face.

At first it had been little things that gained my attention. Markus asking me what I needed from the store when he went. Markus pulling out my chair when I was about to eat a meal. Markus playing the piano with me when he was bored... Those things had added up, and had given me a rather twisted outlook on our relationship. The android seemed to care. Or at least to me, he seemed to want to spend time with me.

It was absurd, I was aware. To think of an android having some sort of twisted crush on a human was probably one of the craziest things I had ever allowed to wiggle into my thoughts. But everything he did for me just won me over. Call me a hopeless romantic but I had found myself hoping I wasn't wrong about it.

Then, yesterday I had caught him staring at me. It hadn't been the first time. Of course it hadn't. Markus had always seemed to observe anything and everything around him yet, this time was different. His eyes seemed glued to me. Like he was unable to look away for even a moment. It had sent shivers down my spine and my heart beating wildly.

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