At the same time, in Arnav's room

"Chote... get up... tomorrow you are going to Delhi, please wake up... I want to spend some time with you... come on... please..."

After Choti went from his room in the evening, Arnav cried his heart out and slept crying. When his mother came and called him for his snacks, he bluntly refused to take anything. Understanding his pain, she left him alone. Now, when Anjali woke him up he woken up reluctantly

"Hhh.... Chote... you were crying?"

"I don't want to go anywhere leaving you all" he said in a low voice

"Don't you want to see Choti happy? You wanted to buy her toys with YOUR money right?" she tried to tease her brother

"Di... Please... I'm serious. I don't want to leave you all or Choti... please try to understand. I am worried Di..."

"Don't be Chote... everything will be fine... you have to concentrate on your studies. What will you say to Choti, when she asked about your studies? Do you think she will be happy if you stay back here? Definitely not, she will eat you completely for not going to Delhi. She wants you to be strong and famous like Papa and Salman. That's all she wants. She never asked anything from you, did she? I think you should give her what she asked for. Please Chote... it's just matter of few years... I will take care of Choti till you come back" Anjali make him agree. Their conversation got stopped by knock on the door. "Come in" said both the siblings to see Garima enter the room

"Arnav beta... did you pack your bag? All the things?"

"Where is Choti Garima aunty?

"She is sleeping beta"

"What? Choti sleeping at this time? Is she okay?" asked both the siblings with panic.

"She is perfectly fine. Just tired of playing that's all. I will bring her later. You better pack your things ASAP. You are leaving this night" Garima announced in low voice

"What? Tonight? But why?"

"There is no time to explain all the things now beta... Anjali betiya you also go and pack all your things. Listen to me carefully don't say anything to anyone that you are leaving tonight. You shouldn't talk anything about leaving tonight with your parents too. They will explain everything to you both later. For now... just pack your things and get ready for your journey" she looked at both the siblings. Tears formed in her eyes, why not? After all she brought them up like a second mother. In fact for them only she came into this house as a baby sitter. After coming here only she married their honest employee Shashi and blessed with an Angel – Chutki/Choti

Both the siblings hugged her tightly sensing something wrong

"Shh... I want you both to be strong. Everything will be alright. Go pack your bags. God bless you dears... take care" she kissed their foreheads and rushed Anjali towards her room.

Suddenly the atmosphere of Sheesh Mahal turned into gloomy. They had their dinner in silence being busy in their deep thoughts.


After leaving from Aran's room, Shashi started searching his daughter as he doesn't know where she is. He started to call her loudly to make Dhruv call him

"Hey... Shashi... Chutki is in my room. She is sleeping. Let her sleep here. Once she woke up I will send her" he commanded

"OH I think she didn't bother you much Malik. I'm sorry if she did. But Malik, I need to wake her and take her. She didn't even take her snacks or milk in the evening. We need to feed her. So, please allow me to take my daughter"

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