summer camp

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Fuck it I'm uploading anyway

Ness folds the last shirt he had to pack all neatly, before shoving it in his nearly full suitcase. Today he was heading off for sleepover camp. His mother was making him go, but he was excited regardless because it would probably be an opportunity to meet some new friends.

"Okey mom, I'm ready!" Ness shouts in no certain direction, zipping up the sides of his suitcase and standing up, pulling the handle all the way out. He makes his was down the stairs and loads his suitcase into the car, then his mother pulls out of the driveway and heads to the camp.

Lucas was already waiting in line to register with his dad. He had packed pretty lightly and therefore was able to bring his bags with him in line.

Lucas's brother Claus was not attending camp this year because he wanted to go to a karate camp instead, to fuel his metaphorical fighting fire. As they reached the desk, Lucas's dad signed him in, gave his swimming level, and confirmed his form.
"You're in cabin 9 this year Lucas, the joint cabin with number 10!" The lady at the front exclaimed. She had remembered Lucas from previous years, since he and his brother typically came every year since they were six.

Lucas gets his head checked for lice, and he's all clear and good to go. He sighs a breath of relief, since that's literally one of the most nerve wracking parts of camp. He hugs his father goodbye and runs off the dining hall deck and onto the dirt path. Lucas runs toward the joint cabins and laughs happily, not even looking back. He loved camp.

Ness and his mother drag his suitcase and sleeping gear into the left half of the cabin, as Ness looks around. There were only four people so far. He spots the top bunk of a superbed (two bunk beds tied together, it's lit) and throws his stuff on. He hugs his mom and tells her he loves her before waving as she leaves his sight. He climbs up on top of the bunk and starts setting up, before looking over at the boy who had taken the adjacent spot.

"Hi! My name is Ness and I'm from Onett, what about you?" Ness greets the boy confidently and friendly. "I'm Lucas and I'm from Tazmily. Nice to meet you, Ness. I don't recognize you, are you new?" Lucas responds with a grin. Ness nods, "Yeah, my first year. I guess that means you're a pro." Lucas gives Ness a genuine smile. He liked this kid already. "Yeah. You get used to it here," he says before the two finish setting up their beds.

During dinner, the boys of cabin 9 sat around their table and ate. Lucas doesn't take his eyes off the counsellors, and also glances around the table every so often. Ness takes notice, of course.
"Pssst. Lucas! Why are you so paranoid?" Ness whispers to Lucas, causing him to turn to Ness with a serious face. "If you're the last to do something silly the counsellors do, you have to clean up," Lucas explains. Lucas then sees another boy eye Ness, and he quickly looks at Ness's elbows before whisper shouting, "Ness!!" and pushing Ness's elbows off the table. "Jeez, I forgot to mention that people call you out on elbows. They'll make you embarrass yourself publicly," Lucas sighs, before shaking his head. Of course, the counsellors take this free real estate and put their cups on their head. Fortunately, Ness and Lucas caught on fast.

Night rolls by pretty fast. The whole cabin is asleep, except for Ness. Lucas does eventually wake up, hearing little sniffles coming from beside him. He turns over to look at his bunk mate, "Hey Ness, are you okay?" Lucas asks in a tender whisper, worried why his new best friend was crying. Ness wipes his eyes quickly to erase evidence of crying, though it was already seen. "I-I'm fine." Ness whispers in a raw tone. Lucas is too tired for this shit, and he sighs, "don't bullshit me I heard you crying." Those words shut Ness up for a minute before he responded.

"I miss my mom."

Lucas hears the response and it just echoes in his head. His expression glazed over as a few tears roll down his face sideways. He is laying down, after all.

"I-I miss my mom too..." Lucas whispers back much more quietly. "Oh, you get homesick too?" Ness asks, feeling a bit better at the concept that maybe he wasn't alone with it. Lucas debates on whether or not to spill it to Ness. He decides to, since Ness is trustworthy. "My mom died not too long ago, actually. So I wouldn't really call it homesick, per se," Lucas admits to ness, sniffling a tiny bit and wiping his own tears. Ness grabs Lucas's hand and squeezes it gently, which of course caused Lucas's cheeks to flush a dusty pink. "I didn't know. My condolences," Ness rasps, giving his bunk mate sympathetic eyes and a smile to match. He really cared about this boy already.

They fell asleep holding hands.

The next day, while the cabins are getting changed out of their PJs, Ness notices Lucas had shoved himself into a corner facing the walls to change. Once they were outside and waiting for everyone else, Ness shuffles over to sit beside Lucas on the bench.

"Do you usually change in a corner?" Ness half jokes, laughing a little bit. Lucas hesitates before answering, "Yeah. To be honest, I feel so gross and predatory if I don't." This puzzles Ness. "What do you mean? All of us are boys, there's no problem," he tried to reason to no avail. "No, that's the problem. See,..." Lucas stops. Does he really want to risk his friendship with Ness over something like this? Though, Lucas has seen that Ness is not judgemental and ultimately decided to tell him the truth.

"I like boys the way I should like girls. It's called being gay. So when I'm in a room full of boys, I feel weird looking anywhere near their direction. And I feel like they do to, so the corner is my best bet," Lucas mumbles as he looks down at the ground, biting his lip. A surge of adrenaline itches through Ness's body. "Hey, if that's what that means then I guess me too! But it's never stopped me from changing in front of boys comfortably. I just make sure not to directly look at anyone for privacy's sake. You don't have to corner yourself." Ness tries to encourage Lucas, talking pretty fast. Both of their cheeks were warm and pink. Lucas begins to wonder if last night was more than just sympathy.

The fun filled week goes by quickly, and our boys find themselves all packed up and on the dining hall porch. Ness scribbles his number on Lucas's hand in sharpie, since no paper was to be found anywhere. Of course they were going to stay in touch. Lucas sees his father pull into the lot in his car, and grabs his suitcase. He stops to look at Ness for a moment before hugging him and giving him a little "bye Ness!" and then turning to leave before Ness decides fuck it and grabs Lucas's arm and pulls him towards himself, kissing him with that bittersweet feeling of goodbye. Lucas is of course red in the face as Ness pulls away, before shouting, "I'll call you!" And dashing out toward the abyss that is the parking lot. Ness would look forward to that call.

THE END HOLY SHIT. Sorry for the bad quality haha

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