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No One's POV

No one knew Naiara's lifeless body was lying on her bathroom floor. Natalia snuck out of the house to meet up with her boyfriend, Kobe was out of town, and her mother was taking the other two daughters to the doctor. When she got back home she called out for her daughters, but neither answered.

Going up to Natalia's room first, she saw an empty room, and the window wide open. Vanessa made a mental note to thoroughly give her daughter an ass whooping first chance she got. She then went to Naiara's room, and saw that the bathroom light was on.

"Naiara? Girl didn't you hear me-" She stops dead in her tracks when she sees her daughter's body on the ground, pills scattered across the floor. She screams and bursts into tears, immediately calling 911.

LaMelo didn't know his girlfriend had OD'd on some pills. He was answering questions about his loud father, his NBA rookie brother, and his amazing three point skills. It wasn't until after the conference and his father pulled him to the side that he learned his girlfriend was in trouble.

"Hey Dad, can you drop me off at Nai's house? I gotta see how she's doing." LaMelo says. His father's eyes turn even sadder than before.

"We're actually going to the hospital. Naiara... she overdosed a few hours ago." At that moment his son's world came crashing down. He knew she was upset, but he didn't know it went that far.

Hours Later~

My eyes opened, seeing a bright ass light in front of me. Looking around, I saw a golden gate and a guy standing next to it with a halo on his head.

"What the- Am I dead?" I ask.

"Well, almost. This is the gate to Heaven, but unfortunately, you can't go in." They guy says.

"I'm going to Hell?! Okay, I know I stole those Tic Tacs from the store that one time but I didn't think it was that deep!" I say, on the verge of tears.

"Relax, child, you're not going to Hell. Look down there." He says. I look down and see the clouds part, and then the image of a hospital room. There sat my entire family, even my dad who was supposed to be on the other side of the country. The Ball family sat there too, and everyone was crying.

"Lemme guess, that's me in the hospital?" I ask him.

"You really gave everyone a scare there. But you can't die yet. It's not your time." He says.

"I didn't really want to. It's the voice in my head. It won't go away." I admit.

"Well now you have to face that voice, cause you're going back. I'll see you again, but no time soon."

"Before I leave, I have a question." I say.

"If it's about God, I can't answer it."

"No, it's about you. So you just stand here all the time, waiting for people to die?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's kinda boring, but I'm not the only one. There's others scattered across the multiple gates to Heaven. It's not all bad, though. I got to meet Michael Jackson and Prince. No other guard angel can say that." He says with a smirk. Before I can even laugh, the clouds separate and I fall, right into the image of the hospital room.


"Woah!" I yell, sitting up in bed. I swear, everyone in the room screamed at the exact same time.

"Yara!" Melo yells, hugging me. I smile and hug him back, happy that I wasn't dead yet.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Mom asks.

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