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I stood in my mirror, shaking my head.

"I don't like this one either." I say, starting to take the dress off.

"Well, mija, you gotta wear something nice, it's your father's last game." Mom says, standing in my room next to me.

"But, it's a basketball game, Mom, no one wears anything fancy to a basketball game. Plus, it's not like they're playing anyone special, it's just the Utah Jazz."

"Fine, you can pick your outfit, but I must approve of it." Mom says.

"Okay." I say, smiling as she leaves the room. I knew she only approved because she was happy, she just found out a little while ago that she was pregnant. Looking around my closet, I find something relatively nice to wear and put it on before my sister walks into the room.

 Looking around my closet, I find something relatively nice to wear and put it on before my sister walks into the room

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Where's my makeup, Nai?" She asks.

"Nat, I don't wear makeup. Ask Gianna, she probably knows." I shrug, fixing my hair.

"I already asked her, she said she don't know. My twin senses tell me you have it." She says, making me laugh. 

Natalia and I are fraternal twins, and she's my best friend (we look alike, but not that much, it's easy to tell us apart). I tell her anything and everything. It's funny cause we're complete opposites, yet we're best friends. I'm a tomboy, and she's really girly. She likes makeup and dresses, I don't. I like playing basketball, she likes to play soccer more than basketball. Even though we're nothing alike, we never fight, except for this one time... I'm not gonna get too into it, but it's the reason that I have a scar on my right eyebrow, she has a scar on her upper arm, and why we have separate rooms.

 We're the oldest of three, now four. Our younger sister's name is Gianna, and like me, she plays basketball. Technically, she's the middle child, cause I like to think that me and Nat are one child sometimes. Whenever Gigi and I play basketball with Dad, I never go easy on her, even though she's only nine, almost ten. Why? Cause Dad told me to never underestimate my opponents.

"Your twin senses are off. Besides, we're fourteen. We don't need makeup anyways." 

"Mijas! Let's go!" Mom yells from downstairs. 

"Okay, Mom!" We both yell, running downstairs.

"Good outfit, Mom?" I ask her. 

"I'll let it slide this time." She says, making me laugh.

"Where's Gigi?" Nat asks.

"I'm right here! Can we go now, I wanna get good seats!" She says, walking up to us.

"Who you think you bossing around, little girl?" I ask her. She hops on my back.

"Hurry up! I wanna see the game!" I laugh at her whining as we leave the house and head to the court.

Love and Basketball (LaMelo Ball Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن