Excerpt of HATING HIM

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Brandon's POV

Goddamn it, I had to talk to her. I wanted the attention of those fiery blue eyes on me, so I did the first thing that came to mind. "Hey, Blondie," I shouted over two rows of people and bit back laughter when her entire body stiffened. And, man, what a great body. "Blondie!" 

She didn't turn to look at me. Not even to glare. Every other person in the huge lecture hall stared at me like I was a lunatic. I didn't care. Her gaze wasn't on me, so I did what I knew would crack her.

"Blonde girl with the long legs and the big pair of—" She turned around faster than my mother spent my father's paychecks. The fire in her eyes blazed so hot, for a moment, I was stunned. "Earrings," I finished my statement. "How's it going?" 

"An obnoxious asshole is stalking me, so not that great," she yelled back. The people in the rows between us chuckled. I couldn't blame them; she was adorable when she got angry. There was almost steam coming out of her ears. 

"Who is he? I bet I can handle him." She rolled her eyes at my response and turned back around. I wasn't having any of that. "How do you think Jake will respond when I tell him you love—" 

She cut me off before I had time to finish. "Do you have a death wish?" 

"Only if you're the one doing the killing," I said. "Slowly." 

"Don't be so sure I won't. I'd love to straddle—" 
Mandy stopped.

My grin opened ten times wider at her look of absolute mortification. An image of her straddling me branded itself into my brain. Inappropriate thoughts of other ways to make her blush flooded me. Of course, I felt less inclined to vocalize any of those due to the listening ears of everyone in the lecture hall.

Her blush went scarlet as she spoke to fix her mistake. "Strangle. I meant strangle you. I'd love to straddle you—strangle you!" She put her head in her hands as if that would hide her words from me. 

I could not speak throughmy smile. Hell yeah, she thought about me the same way I thought about her. Knowingthat made my heart beat faster and my pants become uncomfortable. My plan wasworking. All I needed to do was get Jake out of her head.     


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