Chapter 19: Lyndsay

Start from the beginning

“I could have sworn I told you before don't ever fuckin touch my again." I say wiping my lips.  I turn and continue walking to class now pissed. Once I get to class I take my seat next to Uriah. 

"TRISSS!" he yelled excitedly. I ignore him and just sit there.

"Trisssssssss." Uriah says again but I continue to ignore him.

"Someone else's turn." he huffs then crosses his arms. Christina just looks at me. The rest of the group does the same. Zeke began to say something but Christina holds up a finger.

"Ah ah ah. Don’t talk. Look at her facial expression. She’s obviously pissed." she says. Zeke shuts up and talks to Shauna and Uriah. Mrs. McCormick walks in the room and sets her stuff down.

"Okay class today I'm going to let you write your own song. You will turn them in at the end of class and sing them tomorrow. Get started." she says.

I get my notebook out full of songs that I've already written. And start writing a new one. A minute before the bell rings I'm done and turn it in and go back to my desk and the bell rings and I head to gym. Once I get there I go change in my gym shorts and t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and walk out and sit on the bleachers. Tobias comes out not to long after I did and sits down next to me and Christina does the same then Zeke and Uriah comes and sits in front of me. I look at all of them and once again Zeke is about to say something. 

"Ah ah." Christina says placing a hand on Zeke mouth. 

"What are you-" she smacks Uriah in the mouth.

"Shhh child." she says.

"Chris what's going on?" Tobias ask.

"CHILDREN HUSH NOW. YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR HER TO SPEAK!" she yells. Everyone looks at us and the boys stops talking. After a while I can't hold my anger in.

"Here it comess." she says in a sing song voice and a big smile on her face.

"THAT STUPID SON OF A BITCH!" I yell. Christina rubs my back.

"Yes let it out. Let it out. If you feel like punching something you have three punching bags right here." she says gesturing to the guys sitting around me. I look at her.

"Fine 2." she says


"Mother fucker wanna push me in the lockers and kiss me. Ha. No. We done BITCH.  FUCKIN. DONE."I say mumbling the beginning.

"I'm going to go to my car." I say. I get up and walk to my car. When I get there Colten and Aubrey are standing by it.

"What the fuck you want?" I ask even more pissed than I was.

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to tell you to stay away from my fuckin boyfriend. That's all."

"Oh trust me I don't want him. You can have fun being fucked over. Or cheated on. Oh by the way. You might want to be tested he might have aids or any other diseases from all the girls he's been with for the past 2 fuckin years." I say with and innocent smile. They leave and I get in my car and blare some music from my phone till I calm down.  I hear the bell ring and start my car and head to Zaxbys.  I get a salad for me and everyone else a chicken sandwich. I 

text Christina

Tris- Hey tell everyone not to eat school lunch I'm bringing them zaxbys.

Christina- OMG REALLY. Okay

Tris- tell Four I'm taking his sister some too. And I'll be there when I leave from her school. 

Christina- he said okay. Well see ya when you get here.

Tris -kay. Bye.

then I text Lyndsay.

Tris-Hey I brought you Zaxbys come get it.


Tris- lol welcome.

I didn't get a text back instead there is a 13 year old at my car door with a smile on her face. I roll the window down and hand her food. 

"Thank you." She says and hugs me through the window and skip back into the school. I drive off and head back to school and eat lunch with my friends and boyfriend.

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