Chapter// 07.

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        >>>Sometimes love will tear us apart<<<

Ellie gathered all of us in the auditorium and told us to sit on the stage. She then grabbed a microphone and started testing if it work. "So, I guess you guys are wondering why I brought you here."

I looked at the boys and they all had confused looks on their face. "Yes, I think you guessed correctly."

She giggled and then cleared her throat. "Well, I remember this one time Harry sung for me and it was beautiful. He talked about how you guys can sing too and I just had a great idea and opportunity for you guys."

My stomach started feeling weird. I didn't like where this idea was going. "So, guys! I have booked you a spot on the talent showcase that will be held next Monday!"

Everyone cheered except for me, I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't know about the others but I can not sing in front of a large crowd of people who I barely know.

Louis came and grabbed my arm. "Hey dude, you look like your about to pass out. If you're worried about performing in front of a crowd don't worry, we've got about a week to prepare; we'll help you."

That made me feel a little better but, how much prepared could I get in a week for something I've been dealing with forever.


"Okay, Harry take your place near the far left of the stage and Niall stand in the middle! Oh my gosh Louis and Zayn stop acting like a three year old and thank you Liam for being so patient with me."

I looked at my feet, this could not be happening right now. We had one week and still I feel like crap. Just remember when you come, I thought. That's all I had to do was remember when to sing my lines and to not mess up anything. We worked on simple dance moves which were really easy to remember so, I hope that I didn't do stupid like trip over my own foot. I looked up and realized that they were all giving me a thumbs up. When we practiced they told me to do the old trick and picture people in their underwear. It would've worked if maybe Ellie was actually seating in the auditorium seats but, she has to work backstage so, she asked Jayda to film for her. I could barely breathe but, I remembered not to let this get to me, people would love to see me fall and this school already had the most to do with it.

The announcer came on, even though we couldn't see him behind these blue curtains; we could here his voice quit clearly. "We present to you the underground boy band, we present to you One Direction."

The curtains were slowly rising and the crowd was cheering loudly. This might be our first performance but for some reason, I knew it wouldn't be our last. We performed and original song called "Best Song Ever." I could see the people in the audience were really digging it and it was easy for them to catch on cause they even started to sing. After the performance, Ellie ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Oh my freaking gosh, you guys were so amazing. Even though I didn't get to see your sick moves; your voices were just enough."

When we went outside several people, mostly girls, came up to us and tell us how great we were and if we could sign stuff for them. Even though we weren't famous, I knew that we just earned ourselves a new reputation.


"I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit at the hospital, Harry."

I sat up on my bed and looked at her, why couldn't she just seat right next time? Why does she have to distance herself? I'm the one at fault. "It's okay, Ellie. It's all my fault and I just want things to be normal for us. I don't care how shitty my meds make me feel, I'll take them at the scheduled time and in the correct doses. I just want us to be a happy couple again, love. I miss it."

She shook her head and got up. "I'm glad that, that is what you want but, at this moment I just can't deal with it. I think we should just have a break."

I got up and walked towards. "Babe, baby, please don't say that. I'll do anything."

She turned her back at me and pulled on the door. "That's the reason why, Harry. You don't think, you'll just do whatever it takes regardless of how much it might hurt."

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