Chapter// 06.

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        >>>That little kiss you stole, you held my heart and soul<<<

It was our very first date, we spent it at a local park and had a picnic. She brought the basket that was filled with everything that we needed, from turkey sandwiches to chocolate covered strawberry's with whip cream. I brought the blanket and the drinks, which was only tea. She sat right next to me and laid out our meal.

"I have to tell you, this is my very first picnic."

I laughed. "Really? Mine too. I just thought it was a different type of vibe."

She smiled. "You know, Harry. I would have not pictured me being with you. After all you said and all I've said, it seemed like maybe there was no possibility of restarting but, look at us now? We're on common terms and we just love each others presence. Two strong people coming together to change the world!"

We both laughed and fell silent. I liked it this way because it wasn't that awkward type of silence. It was this type of silence that came natural to us, to where we were comfortable with it. We where could just venture out in our thoughts and basically be thinking about anything, this moment, how we felt about each other; the possibilities were endless. She I laid down next to her with my should touching hers and I just stared up at the sky and smiled. Not once could I ever imagine this scene because I always thought that was meant to be a single man. But , look her I lay with a girl right next to me who accepts addressing me as her boyfriend. She reached over and grabbed my hand and her doing that sent tingles up my arms and through my body. A warm feeling empowered the cold that I felt when I entered this school. I knew things were just starting to change, and that this was just the beginning of it all.

She looked up and started squealing "Oh my goodness, the swings are open!" 

I looked at the swing set and smiled. "Let's go then."

We left our belongings where they were since we weren't going far. She sat on one of the swings and started swinging. I smiled and used the one that was right next to her. I could tell she was being brought back to when she was a younger kid because seating on this swing was just a wave of nostalgia for me. 

She started slowing down so, I started slowing down. "Hey Harry, can I ask for a favor?"

I dug my boots into the dirt and came to a complete stop. "Sure, what is it?"

She started messing with her hair and curling it around her finger. "Well, remember when you said you wanted to be in some kind of pop boy band?"

I looked at her and smiled, she remembered my dream. "Yeah, what about it?"

She quickly shifted towards me and had this eager look on her face. "Well, since boy bands sing. I was wondering, if you didn't mind. Maybe you could sing for me?"

I knew one day someone would ask me that question. I had never really sung in front of anyone except for the boys and we just realized that we had something. But since it was Ellie and she was a pretty special girl what could I lose?

I couldn't think of any song to sing until this one song popped into my head, it was Latch. I looked at her and smiled. "I dedicate this song to a girl who is close to me... like literally seating next to me." She laughed and that gave me so much confidence. I cleared my throat and started singing from the beginning of the song to the end of the chorus.

The look on her face was enough to tell me that she liked it. "Wow, Harry. I hope your dream does come true."


I woke up to see that I was surrounded by whites and blues. I looked to my left and Liam was sitting right next to me. I looked to my right and could already tell, I was in a hospital. I tried to talk but my my jaw felt really heavy. "Are we in a hospital?" I mumbled.

Liam quickly got up and came to my side. "Yeah, we are."

I looked around me again. "Why, what happened?"

"You don't remember? Well, you chugged down a bottle of your meds and then you just like fell to the floor and started shaking so, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. The doctor believes that you had some type of shock and had a seizure."

I shook my head and realized that I had the biggest headache at the moment but, something seemed off. "Oh but, I remember something like an argument?"

He nodded. "Yeah, you and Ellie were fighting again." He explained everything that had happened before I collapsed and told me how after I fell, Ellie started crying even harder and locked herself in my room. He said that after the ambulance came and took me, he went to check on Ellie. After several tries of getting her to open the door, he noticed that she was crying and scratching at some of her fresh scars. So he sat next to her and comforted her and told her I would be alright and that we should go to the hospital, she refused and blamed everything on herself.

I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. "God, I love her so much. What do I have to do to get it back to the "Second" time I met her?"

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