“Kill me. Just kill me.” You say.

“No. I’m not going to kill you, Demetri.” I say.

“But it will be so easy…” I can hear the unstable note in your voice. “I’ll hand you a gun with only one bullet in it.”

“I’ll take the gun.” I say, playing along so you’ll continue.

“It will have one bullet in it.” You tell me.

“I’ll cock the gun…” I say.

“I’ll take your hand and place the gun against my head…” you say.

“I’ll ask you, “Before I do this… can I ask you for one more thing?” I say.

“What?” You ask.

“… Can I have one last kiss?” Just 'cause we don't have a thing anymore doesn't mean he can just leave me without one last dramatic kiss.

“Yes.” You say.

“I’ll move the gun so I don’t accidently shoot myself.” That gets a shaky laugh from you, “Then I’ll lean in and kiss you…”

“I’ll kiss you back then move your hand back so the gun is back on my head…” you say.

“Then I’ll ask you for one more kiss…” you give me another shaking laugh.

“Okay…” you say. “One more kiss.”

“I’ll then lean in, kiss you, then shoot the wall or window behind you.” I say.

You give me another shaky laugh and say, “I knew you’d do that...”

“Yeah…” I say.

“I’d pull out a long, sharp sacrificial like dagger and hand it to you.” You say.

“You want me to sacrifice you to Satan?” I ask with a shaky laugh of my own.

“No… I want you to kill me. Just kill me. If I can try to kill myself 46 times and kept being brought back, it should be too hard for you to kill me… I’m not afraid to die, Tori… I’m not scared… Just kill me…”

“I’ll take the blade from your hand and ask you, “How do you want to go?”

“Slow and painfully.” You say.

“Okay… I’ll take the blade and place it against your stomach … then leave a small cut…” I say.

“Stab me.” You say.

“… I’ll leave another small cut…” I say. I can’t stab you. Not even for a fake morbid story.

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