A Rose Blooming In The Battlefield

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Date : I think it was around July 2017
Topic : Marawi

A Rose Blooming In The Battlefield
By Kathrina Marie Catiis

The war never seemed to stop in this once promised land. It is where guns and bullets enable humans to kill each other. Blood spilled and tainted the once green fields of the city.

People lay dead. But humanity lived.

It started with a single shot. Then another. Then anothrt. Until the guns became bigger, louder, taking away more lives than any person can imagine. It hasn't stopped since.

The rebels who wants to divide and conquer shooked the once silent land - spreading fear and death like an unstoppable plague.

But amidst of the thirst for blood, the agony, the chaos --- a rose found its way to grow through the ruins of the city.

The first one shot open when a Muslim, though discriminated by many, helped their Christian co-workers and thought them what to say so they won't be caught by the terrorists. A trembling hands a shaky voice is lended to those  who need it so that their lives would be spared from the horror of death. They have crossed the boundary set by society and helped each other in the name of the same creator though different names and way of worship.

The second one latched through the rebels' throat. When other countries send immediate help to the place ; sending food, military men and weapons so that the war would stop. They have lended nails and hammer to fix the broken defense lines of our own infantry. Due to these, one by one, they fell and surrendered.

The third one marked the place forever. Every single drop of water and every grain of rice that the people donated to the victims of the war watered the once barren land. Prayers plowed through the soil and madenit healthy. The pleas and constant pitch for justice sprayed seeds of hope all throughout the land. Soon enough, with the combined help of every country men, roses sprouted out from the ruins. The ones who didn't experience the war also fought for their brothers and sisters trapped inside. They didn't let them be alone, they sent help from the other side.

One by one, these roses sprang out of the land-- trapping the rebels under their clutch. It is hard to say that the war has been won, as they can still hear gunshots and explosions as a distant cry. But with humanity bonding people together, making them fight for peace and freedom, there is hope.

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