Ray: (looking to the sky) Oh Lord Jesus…please help me now, I’ma go broke if she’s expensive like u & be in prison for killing this knuckle head boy out here messing with my baby girl, she’s never going out the house when she gets older

Jazzy: U the one who wanted a girl, & u not bout to hold my baby girl hostage from the outside world. U need to hold Ray Jr. in cause I’m telling u ain’t no fast little girl gone be sneaking in my house.

Ray: My son gone be a lil playa like his daddy was when he gets big & we gone put all them knuckle head boys in check if they mess with my baby girl

Jazzy: Whatever u ain’t no playa & u not bout to make my son one & u ain’t bout to shelter my daughter

Ray: We will see, we will see

They got Jazzy all cleaned up & they leave the doctor’s office & go to chill back at home.


Roc’s Family

Roc: (running downstairs) Britt I’m bout to go pick up Chres are u & Kay Kay coming with me?

Britt: Yea! Let me put on Kaylah’s shoes then we will be down

Roc: (grabbing car keys & phone) Ok I’ma be in the car waiting

A few minutes later Britt comes out to the car with Kay Kay, Roc gets out & put Kay Kay in her car seat in the back while Britt gets in the passenger seat. Roc gets back in the car & turn the radio on to Kay Kay’s favorite song Hello

Kay Kay: (singing along & dancing) Hwello, Hwello, Hwello…daddy sing it with me its your old song

Roc: (starts singing with her)

Britt: (Shaking her head) What am I going to do with u 2

Roc drives off, 20 minutes later they arrive at Kierra’s house to pick up Lil Chres. Roc gets out & knocks on the door & James (Kierra’s so called boyfriend) opens the door

James: Aye nigga what u want?

Roc: (holding in his anger) I came to get my son so move out the way (pushing pass him)

James: (mumbling) Rude ass

Roc: (saying loud enough for James to hear) Bitch ass

James: (yelling for Kierra) Kierra u better come get yo baby daddy before he gets hurt (walking in the living room)

Roc: (replying but James didn’t hear him) Nigga u wish, yo soft ass ain’t gone do shit

Kierra comes down bringing Lil Chres overnight bag

Kierra: What’s up baby daddy (laughing then yelling upstairs) Chres your dad is here to get u so put your stuff on & get down here

Roc: (looking at her in discuss) He better not have on dirty clothes like last time or I’ma beat the shit outta u

James: (laughing at what Roc just said)

Kierra: (smirking) U ain’t gone do nothing

Roc: (getting mad) Kierra don’t play with me cause u know I will (yelling so James could hear but not Lil Chres) & I don’t get a fuck who don’t like it

Lil Chres finally comes running downstairs wearing the new clothes Roc just bought him.

Lil Chres: Hi daddy (jumping up giving him a hug)

Roc: (picking him up) Hey lil man , u ready to go see Britt & Kay Kay?

Kierra: (getting mad when he says Britt’s name)

Lil Chres: (happy) Yes, where are they?

Roc: In the car waiting for us to come out

Lil Chres jumped outta Roc’s arm & runs out to the car to see Britt & Kay Kay

Kierra: (mad) Why u bring that bitch to my house, she could of stayed home

Roc: First of all this is my house, u live off my child supports checks, but that’s gone all change when I get custody of Chres because u are a sorry excuse for a parent & woman. Second of all my fiancé ain’t no bitch like u, she takes better care of your son than u do (waling to the door, but turns around to her) like I said keep that nigga away from my son

Kierra: U ain’t getting custody of my son, yo ass lucky I even let u see him, & I can bring who ever I want around him

Roc: (grabbing Lil Chres bags walking out the door) Bitch keep playing with me & u gone see

Roc goes to the car & puts Lil Chres stuff in the trunk

Britt: (looking at him) Babe what’s wrong & what took u so long

Roc: (looking back at the kids) That girl gets on my nerves & she thinks I’m playing with her she so lucky my mama told me not to put my hand on a woman, but I’m 2 second from chocking her

Britt: (shaking her head, laughing) That’s why u gotta watch who u have a baby by

Roc brushes off what Britt just said & starts the car to take the kids to the park

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