Chapter 11. Fabulous Sunday

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I love Sunday's. It comes with so much ease and newness. Church service today was fabulous, from the song ministrations to the sermon. The church choir sang a song by Kierra Sheard "Indescribable" the song really ministered to me. The sermon was centered on forgiveness, I felt like the preacher was referring to me. For the first time in my life I decided to let go all the burden and hurt. I extraordinarily sensed a relief.

The preacher after his sermon made an altar call on those who really wanted to forgive their offenders, those who had burdens they wanted to cast onto God. Quite a number came out, wow half of the people in the world are depressed and hurting I muttered within me. I was really surprised to see momma come out. O Lord, this woman has been hurting ever since dad left and she's been acting strong all these years. I'm really going to conclude, momma is the strongest woman I know and to think that she used to make excuses for him initially. She made us love him even in his absence, we all kept praying for him.

I joined momma in front and Bernisse came behind, I was surprised again to see Bernisse. I really can't tell who she wants to forgive now, maybe dad maybe not. Whatever I'm glad my girls are ready and willing to do the right thing. Nobody is worth the stress. When I looked at momma she was in tears, I had to move closer just to hold her hand.
The preacher prayed for everyone in front and I know God took over.

The drive home was very interesting, Bernisse wasn't glued to her phone this time, she was really talking about stuffs she's never told me. I really felt sad because she is my kid sister and she shouldn't act strong always I'm here to share in her pain. It's all good I smiled. Bernisse was in front while momma sat behind, I turned to her.

"Bernie do you want ice-cream, chicken pie? Anything?."

"No sis, I'm really thinking of the white rice and chicken stew at home. I can't wait."

" Yeah right! Me too. Just thought you wanted something different."

After lunch, it felt like a family get-together. We had fruit juice, grapefruit wine, lot's and lot's of gisting. Aunt Gloria came visiting with  one of her daughters it was really a fun-filled and fabulous Sunday.
A text just came in, distracting me from the gist on ground.

Happy Sunday.
I hope you haven't changed your mind about lunch today.
Kennie's Bite. Old GRA.
See you there.

Frankly I don't feel up to it, I'm so full right now I ate more rice than I should. I even forgot I met someone called Bryan. What do I do about this lunch date. Bernie will know better.

"Bernie please come"

"SisClar is everything ok?"

"Come to my room jor"

"Sis this one you invited to into your room I hope it's not to arrange your closet again, arranged it on Saturday oh."

"You're not serious, sit down. So I met this guy on Friday when I hung out with Derek, and fast-forward to now. He wants to have lunch with me, I don't really feel up to it. Considering where I met him a "club" and right now I'm full. I just need you to tell me to turn him down or something."

"Sis! You told me never to judge a book by its cover, where you met him doesn't count. And you don't need to have a full course meal when you get there, salad and water will be fine. You know what? Go in there have a quick bath, I sort your outfit for this date and I will personally do your makeup."

"Are u saying I don't know how to makeup?"

"No oh! I just want to give you a real makeover. Hurry up sis, Go on. "

Wow look what Bernisse did with my face, I kinda look ten times younger. I know she put a lot stuff but I still look natural. I used to think my lips were better of red or pink but nude gloss is going to be my new bae.
I'm really sure I'm not too dressed, just a white simple gown, a red shoe and a red purse and my cute ponytail. I'm good to go.

"One more thing Bernie, I need you to drive me there and come back with the car".

"Sure, can I visit one or two friends after I drop you off?"

"just one OK? Let's go".

"Sis we are here, Kennies bite told you I've been here."

"OK so drive Carefully and go home early."

"Yeah have fun Sis!"

Well it's 30 minutes past I hope he understands. I quickly called him and he confirmed that he has been waiting, before I could say any other word he was outside already. I walked over to him and he held my hand and took me into the restaurant. We placed our orders and just like Bernie suggested for me it's salad and water.

There was this awkward silence and he decided to start a conversation. We talked at length even after our meal and dude just came into Port Harcourt to visit his family he resides and works in Canada, The day I met him his cousins actually brought him there and according to him my dress caught his attention. I knew my dress wasn't appropriate for clubbing and he said I wasn't bothered about being different from them girls. Well who cares what the world thinks just do you always.

Bryan is really weird, this is the second time I'm seeing him and he already wants his family to see his knew friend. It's a hard decision to make for me, I'm not sure I'm ready for the family thingy. I don't really know this guy and he is being too comfortable around me and acting like he has known me for months.

"Bryan you really want me to meet your mum, dad and cousins?. Don't you think it's abnormal kinda. "

"No I don't, you're my friend already. I really want to you to be my very good friend kinda, borrowing your word."

"Well I get you, besides weekdays are really tight for me. We can leave when you are ready."

"Thank you so much, I promise I won't take much of your time."

Bryan got the best family ever, his mum was so full of life, They were just too nice to me I can't imagine what he told them about me. His mother was so happy, she told me stories like she just found her lost friend.

She told me a lot about her boys, she has five of them including Bryan and how she wished and prayed for a daughter from her womb but God decided that her daughters would be her daughters-in-law. Very funny woman. At a point I felt too relaxed with her and forgot Bryan brought me. I lost track of time and when I wanted to leave she pleaded that I see her by weekend again, well I gave her my word. Momma needs to meet Bryan's mum she is amazing. Her name is Monica.

I used to be sacred of meeting mums, the only woman I'm not scared of, Is my mum. I have this perception that mothers are difficult people but Bryan's mother just proved me wrong. His Dad wasn't the military kinda dad even though he is a retired Major in the army. He was really soft and had the best smile. Three of this brothers live and school outside Nigeria. Bryan is the second born and he got all his looks from his dad. Tall, beautiful dark skin, broad shoulders, chiselled abs, hazel eyes and good looking.

I can't wait to give Bernisse and Momma all the details of my date with Bryan. Seriously I think I wanna tell momma the truth and also I want to tell Vania how I felt for Derek so I won't fall into it again. Confessions have a way of Killing guilt. I hope momma forgives me for lying to her. As soon as Vania comes home on Tuesday I'd tell her and I pray it doesn't affect our friendship.

Hope you liked this chapter, promise the next will be better. It's almost over. Thanks for your time and thanks for the comments I appreciate.

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