Chapter 12

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Waiting in the ice cold theatre is torture. They had to completely sedate Deku, because the idiot still wanted to fight against the doctor.

Holding his hand as the doctor’s work, Bakugo is starting to feel anxious and just as he wants to yell at the doctor he hears it. The wailing of a new born baby and for the first time in god knows how many years; he starts to cry, sobbing like a child.

‘That’s the sound of our baby.’ He yells on the inside and wipes the tears from his face.

“Mr. Katsuki, you need to leave please. Nurse get him out of here immediately.” The doctor orders and Bakugo’s heart constricts.

“What’s going on?” He asks panicked, but the nurse just ushers him out of the theatre and into a worried Shoto.

“What’s going on Kacchan?” He asks worried and Bakugo drops to his knees.

“They didn’t say. They just threw me out without an explanation.” He says as he starts to sob. Shoto can feel tears rolling down his cheeks, looking at Bakugo and helps him to stand.

“Let’s sit on the couch.” He says through his tears and Bakugo nods numbly.

After an eternity of waiting the doctor exits, clenching his hands and walking straight to them.

“Mr. Katsuki, I’m sorry, there were complications.” He starts to explain and Bakugo whips his head up. Stalking closer to the doctor baring his teeth.

“What exactly do you mean by complications?” He growls and the doctor looks at him with sympathy in his eyes.

“After the baby was born, he haemorrhaged and we couldn’t stop the bleeding. I’m so sorry, but...we couldn’t save him.” He says the last part quietly.

In that instant with those words, Bakugo’s whole world was ripped away. “Why, Why did this happen?” He asks as tears stream down his pained face.

“Why couldn’t you save him? It was your job to fucking save him.” He growls as he lunges at the doctor, but Shoto grabs his arms.

“Stop Kacchan. He wouldn’t want this.” A sobbing Shoto says as he drags Bakugo back.

“I understand that you’re angry and I don’t blame you. I am truly sorry for your loss.” The doctor says as he starts to turn away.

“Doctor, is the baby alright?” Shoto asks and the doctor nods.

“He’s in the premature ward for now. He’ll be staying there until he’s strong enough to go home. Unfortunately only Mr. Katsuki is allowed inside.” The doctor answers and Shoto nods.

“Bakugo, you need to go see your child.” Shoto says shaking a crying Bakugo, but he shakes his head.

“I don’t want it. I never want to see that child in my life.” He growls as he starts to walk off, but Shoto follows him.

As they exit the hospital, Bakugo heads for the car, but Shoto grabs his shoulder, turns him around and hits him straight on the nose.

“Now you fucking listen and you listen well, that is a part of Midoriya. A part of your mate and I will kill you, before I let you do this. If you don’t go now, in my eyes that means you didn’t love Midoriya as much as you claimed.

That baby is Midoriya and it’s the only piece of him you still have left. Now get your ass back in there and go.” Shoto yells and growls and cries.

“How can I? How am I supposed to love a child, who caused the death of my mate?” Bakugo glares at Shoto and Shoto hits him again.

“You just do you stupid fucking idiot. It’s not his fault, it’s not the doctors fault, it’s not anyones fault.” He babbles, but he knows it’s a lie.

It’s Midoriya’s fault for not doing this two months ago. His body couldn’t handle the shock.

“Please Kacchan, I’m begging you. He’s all that’s left.” He says as he puts his head in his hands and cries. Looking at a sobbing Shoto, Bakugo hugs him.

“I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget that you loved him too.” Bakugo says and Shoto just nods.

“Okay, I’ll go, but you promise to come with. Even if you can’t enter. Just be there. I can’t be alone right now.” He says silent tears streaming down his face again and Shoto nods.
Heading back inside, they make their way to the prem-ward. The nurse allowes Bakugo to enter, but Shoto has to wait outside.

Walking over to his baby, he sees the small child with unruly black hair and small ears, his tail barely visible. “I’m sorry, if you want to touch him, you have to put your hands in there.” The nurse says pointing to gloves attached to the tank. He puts his hand in cautiously and touches his baby’s ears softly.

“He’s so small.” He says as he cries.

“Yes, he is very small for his age. That’s why we need to keep him here.” She explains and Bakugo nods.

“Have you decided on a name yet?” The nurse asks as she points to the name tag that only says Katsuki.

“Izuku.” Is all he says and the nurse nods, walking over and writing Izuku next to Katsuki.

He leaves the ward, his heart feeling heavy and finding Shoto still waiting.

“Is the baby okay?” He asks and Bakugo nods.

“He’s very small, smaller than he should be, but the nurse says they’ll keep an eye on him.” He answers numbly and Shoto nods.

“The doctor came looking for you.” He says sadly and Bakugo nods, heading back towards the theatre.

“I’m sorry Mr. Katsuki, but he’s been cleaned. You can say goodbye if you wish.” The doctor says and Bakugo nods, looking over at Shoto, he nods as well.

Walking into the ice cold theatre, he looks at the still body of his mate and walks over, resting his head against Midoriya’s.

“You fucking loser. You promised to be there. Did you hate me that much, that you decided to leave me? Please come back, I can’t do this on my own. I can’t live without you.” He says hopeful as he cries, but he knows, he’ll never see the bright smile or hear him giggle. He’ll never be tackled again when he gets home from work.

“I saw our baby. He has a mess of black hair just like yours. His ears is black, but has white tips and he’s so very small. I don’t think I can ever look at him without seeing you, you who decided to leave me. I’m going to hate you forever for doing this to me. You selfish little shit.” He says as anger starts to take over, but he knows he needs to calm himself.

He walks over, brushes his hand through Midoriya’s hair one more time and kisses his cold lips.

“I love you, loser.” He says as he exits the theatre, leaving his heart with his dead mate.

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