Chapter 2:

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You and Jungkook are done getting ready and are about to go downstairs and leave.

u: Hey, were are we going to go cause I'm starving

JK: good I am starving to, I think I know we we can go?

You:  were?

JK: It's a surprise

You: okay?

~you both head downstairs to the car it takes y'all about 20 minutes to get to the destination and Jungkook  Parks the car. You get out amazed.~

JK: Do you like it ..?

You: Its beautiful Jungkook were did you find this place

Jk: Jimin called and asked were we were going on our date I told him I didn't know so he sent me this address

You: That's so sweet-wait? DATE!!

JK: calm down and enjoy the view and free meal

You: will do *JK stares into your eyes*

JK: you look great by the way Y/N

You: Thanks your not to bad either
*JK chuckles*

JK: Okay lets go find somewhere to sit
~you and JK make your way to a table and soon get your food you both begin eating, As you eat the wind picked up and caused your hair to fly everywhere JK quickly reacted ~

You: aaahhh SHIT !!


* he goes to you and puts his back facing the wind blocking it from hitting you. He leans over to you and begins to pull your hair back behind your ears and back in place *

You: thank you *drinking your water*

JK: your welcome,...hey by the way,  do you happen to like me

*his sudden words caused you to almost choke on your water. You look up at him and OMG he looked hot*

You: pfft NO.  well maybe

JK:  really? wait your lying

You:  No not really I do like you, I know we've only known each other for like what 2 days but we really have a lot in common and plus yo-

JK: ssshhhh just stop * he leans closer to your face * I know what your trying to say

* he pressed your noses together and was about to kiss you*

Jimin: HEY GUYS WHAT YOU doin... shit. Uuugghhh

You: * with out breaking eye contact with Jungkook*  jimin just wait 2 seconds please

JK: No its fine * breaks eye contact* we can get back to it later

You: *mumble* I'm going to fucking you kill jimin

Jimin: okay thanks ... what you two doing

You: We were on a Fucking DATE YOU ASSHOLE

JK: ohh so it Was a DATE *smirk*

Jimin: aahh that's cute. Well im here with JB

You: wait WHAT..NO WERE IS HE, shit

JK: who's that?

~ JB is a boy you have had a crush on since high school~ (Got7)

You: Fuck its no one, lets leave kookie

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