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After a day of traveling Kiba, Shino, and Kurenai woke up shock to see naruto and the sannin.
"Well thank you for saving us but I must ask how did you find us?" asked kurenai.
"Oh we on our way back to the village when we heard a explosion and then we found you guy" says jiraiya.
"Wait I thought you two weren't scheduled to return for another four months" says shino.
"Oh I finished my training early so we decided just to head back" says naruto shrugging his shoulders.
"So naruto you must be pretty strong huh" says kiba.
"I guess but need to work on those dam wind jutsu still" says naruto because jiraiya knew very little about wind style he had to figure most of it for himself.
"Wind jutsu huh thats not common in the leaf" says kurenai
"Yeah I couldn't teach him much but I'm sure you could convince asuma to teach him a little right kurenai" says jiriaya giving kirenai his famous pervy look.
Kurenai blushes.
"I have no idea what your talking about there is nothing between me and asuma" says kurenai only for her team and naruto to give her a deadpan look.

"So they and granny's ugly mug huh" says naruto seeing the hokage monument.
"Naruto you should be more respectful of lady hokage" says shino.
"Don't even try kid he will never show respect" says jiraiya shaking his.
"Huh you say something pervy sage?"
"Shut up brat!"

Shortly after arriving in tge leaf jiraiya told team 8 to head to the hospital to have their injuries properly treated as he and naruto went to the hokage tower.
"Naruto, master jiraiya your back already" said a surprised shizune.
"Yeah we got everything settled so we decided to cut the training short" explained jiraiya.
"So is grandma tsunade busy?" asked naruto.
"No she is free" says shizune leading them tsunade's office.
"Lady tsunade why" says shizune see tsunade sleeping on her deck paperwork scattered everywhere.
Naruto gets a mischievous smile on his face before making a shadow clone.
"Brat what are you doing?" asks jiraiya.
Naruto doesn't answer as his clone walks up to tsunade getting right next to her ear.
"WAKE UP YOU OLD HAG!" yells the clone at the top of his lungs.
"AAAHHH!" screams tsunade shooting awake and punching the clone completely destroying it.
"What did I just vaporize someone" says tsunade before looking around the room hearing people laughing.
"Oh I should have know it was you naruto" says tsunade seeing naruto.
"Sorry granny I couldn't help it" says naruto still laughing as tge door flies open.
"Lady tsunade are you okay?" asks sakura rushing in after hearing the hokage scream.
"Wait naruto is that you?" asks sakura shocked seeing her former teammate.
"Yeah I'm back sakura-chan"

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