Hero from a Young Age

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Peter was dead on his feet. He and Tony had been working on improvements to his suit all day and he was burning up. It was mid-August and Peter wasn't exactly a fan of warm weather. He and Tony had finally decided to go upstairs for a bit and get something to drink. (You would think for a billionaire Tony would be able to keep his building cool!)

Tony walked over and opened the fridge "How do some Long Island Ice Teas sound?" Peter just glared at him "What? It's just ice tea, that happened to come from Long Island! I had Happy pick some up for me!" Peter still wasn't amused. Tony sighed "Fine have it your way! Two Coca-Colas coming up!"

Peter went to sit on the couch and a few seconds later Tony joined him holding two cans of Coke. Peter took his and cracked it open. "These wouldn't happen to be from Long Island, would they?"

Tony smirked and took a sip of his drink "Maybe..."

Peter just rolled his eyes and took a sip as well. "So how have things been going in Tony world?"

Tony laughed "What do you mean?"

Peter smiled "Well you always ask me how my day has been, so I thought I'd ask you. So... how has your day been?"

Tony smiled. He really enjoyed Peter's company at times like this. (You know when they aren't fighting giant ant people. When they're just relaxing.) "Pretty good. I've been having some trouble with the new CEO of Hammer Tech. After Justin was put behind bars, someone took over his company."

"Oh yeah!" Peter nodded "That guy that tried to kill you at the Stark Expo?" Tony nodded "I remember him!"

Tony was surprised "You remember hearing about the Expo disaster? You would have just been a kid!"

Peter grinned "Yeah I was a kid. I was eight at the time. But I didn't just hear about it, I was there." Tony looked at him in shock "The Expo was in Queens after all. Aunt May and Uncle Ben saved up money for months so that we could go."

Tony was smiling now "Well I guess it's a small world after all. Who knows, we could have run into each other not even knowing what would happen later."

Peter was smirking now "Oh we did run into each other!"

Tony was surprised "We did?"

Peter smirked even more "Yep! I saved your life!"

"What?!" Tony was confused now.

Peter continued "It was on the last night of the Expo. When all the Hammer Drones were going nuts. People had started running outside and, in the mess, I got separated from Aunt May and Uncle Ben. As I was looking for them I saw a drone about to attack some people and I didn't know where you had gone. I was dressed up as Iron Man at the time, so I thought that I could trick it into thinking I was you until the people got away. It did, then you came and destroyed it before anything could happen. So basically, I saved your life!" He grinned.

Tony just blinked "You... you were that kid in the Iron Man mask! I remember now! I also saw you in the hallway a few days before! That was really you?!"

Peter nodded "I was a big fan of yours as a kid. Aunt May had made me my own Iron Man mask."

Tony smirked now "You were only a fan as a kid?"

Peter blushed "Okay so I'm still a big fan... but we're science bros now so it's different!"

Tony smiled "What about Bruce? I thought he and I were science bros?"

"I replaced Bruce. You don't need him anymore because you got me!" They both laughed and made other chit chat the rest of the day. Tony smiled thinking about how even as a kid Peter had a big heart. He really was a great kid. And an even better hero...

(A/N - Hey everyone. :) Thank you for reading, it means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed it! :) Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility! :) Bye!) 

Hero from a Young Age (A Spider-Man and Iron Man One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now