Bakugo has a friend?

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Bakugo got a harsh awakening when Kirishima opend the curtains and the room was lit up. "wakey wakey eggs and bakey." Said Kirishima.

"AGH, KIRISHIMA YOU BASTARD." Kirishima looked at Bakugo with a stunned look. "H-Hey...get that weird look off your face... it's freaking me out." Bakugo said.

"You just called me Kirishima."

Bakugo looked at him like he had seven heads. "Thats your fucking name idiot."

Kirishima wiped a tear from his eye. "Y-you never call me that."

"Oh god shit head, your not sentimental, are you?"

Kirishima let out a laugh. "I'll go make some breakfast. You stay there your head is still healing.

As Bakugou was waiting for kirishima to bring  his breakfast he started thinking.

Why is Kirishima so nice to me? Does he really want to be my friend? Maybe, it would be okay to have a friend. But last night I told him to stop trying...

10 minutes later

"Hey Bakugo, I'm back and I have pancakes."

Bakugo didn't respond.

"Hey, are you ok?" Kirishima asked with a concerned tone.

In a deep voice Bakugo said, "Yea. I'm fine."

Kirishima smiled "Good bec-" He was cut off.

"Do you really want to be my friend?" Bakugo said doing his best to avoid eye contact.

"Well, yea... why do you ask." Said Kirishima.

"That doesn't matter. So, um... if you want..." Bakugo said in a bit of a softer tone. "You can keep hanging out with me."

A smile stretched across Kirishima's face. "What a softie you are~" he teased Bakugo.

Bakugou glared at Kirishima. "WHAT?!?! CALL ME THAT AGAIN! I DARE YOU!" Then he started making tiny explosions with his hands.

After they ate breakfast they spent the rest of the day together watching anime and playing video games. On Monday everyone was amazed that Bakugo actually let someone get close to him.

"Hey, Kirishima, what happend between you and Kacchan?" Asked Izuku.

"What do you mean?"

"kacchan doesn't let anyone talk to him the way you do. Or even talk to him. It's almost like he has a soft spot for you."

Kirishima started to feel his face go red. He looked out the window Bakugo have a soft spot for me?

"Did you hear what I said?" Asked Izuku.

"Huh, oh, yeh, Bakugo doesn't have a soft spot for anyone. I dont really know why he lets me talk to him, he just does."

Kirishima turned his head and saw Bakugo walking over to him and Izuku.

"Hey weird hair." He stopped and looked at Izuku. "Deku, what are you doing here you bastard? Can't you see I'm trying to talk to someone?"

"O-oh, heh, s-sorry kacchan, I'll go. By Kirishima."

Kirishima looked over at Bakugo. "You know you don't need to be so mean to him."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO WEIRD HAIR! Anyway I was coming over here to let you know your coming over my house this weekend."

Kirishima frowned. "I'm sorry Bakugo but I have-"


"Ok, calm down Bakugo I didn't realize you needed me this bad. Sorry."

"I-I don't need you...I just wanna hang out with you thats all." Bakugo looked at the ground and put his hands in his pockets.

What why did I say that? Its true...but why did I say it and why did I word it that way?

"Aww, Bakugo~" kirishima laughed. "Your just a big softy arnt you~"

Bakugo's face lit up red. "WHAT?! DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He started making tiny explosions with his hands to threaten kirishima.

"Haha, what are you gonna do softy~" Kirishima said, teasing to make Bakugo more mad.


Kirishima got up and started running "Na na na na na you cant catch me~" he taunted.

"KEEP TALKING LIKE THAT AND I WILL CATCH YOU!" Yelled Bakugo running after him still making explosions with his hand's.

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