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A few days after the meltdown at the zoo, Meghan and Harry had quite a few busy days with engagements while they both attended while looking after Alexander.

It was Tuesday evening and Meghan and Harry had gone out for the evening for a engagement and left Alexander with a nanny for the evening. Harry and Meghan both kissed Alexander before their left for the engagement. The nanny was told if anything happens call one of them straight away. Harry told the nanny that Alexander has a bit of a cough and told her that the medicine is in the kitchen cupboard; if he needed it.
After, Meghan and Harry had left, the nanny potted around while Alexander listens to his muisc on his tablet. Alexander felt tired and sleepy so he started to drop off on the sofa where he was sitting. Shortly, later the nanny came back into the living room where she saw Alexander falling asleep.

The nanny picked Alexander up from the sofa and carried him to his room; where the nanny the nanny changed him Into some pyjamas and got him into his bed for the evening. The nanny looked at the time and it was only half 6, normally Alexander goes to bed at half 7. The nanny didn't think much of it and turned off his light and  exited the room. Later that evening Harry and Meghan arrived home and Harry talked to the nanny who was sitting on the sofa waiting for them to return. THE nanny said how Alexander was falling asleep on the sofa and she put him to bed a hour early and he made no fuss. Meghan and Harry was worried because they know that Alexander likes to go bed at half seven.


The next morning Meghan and Harry woke up at the normal time and Harry went to get Alexander up for the day. Before Harry began walking towards Alexander's room; Meghan pulled Harry towards her and started to kiss him. Harry pulled away and Meghan was taken back in surprise.

" What was that for?" Harry asked Meghan with surprise in his voice.

" just wanted to." Meghan said with a smile.

After that quick kiss Harry went to get Alexander up for the day. Harry entered Alexander's room and opened the curtains. Harry opend the curtains and gently shook Alexander to wake him. Alexander awoke slowly.
It took 5 minutes before Alexander was awake fully  and Harry picked up Alexander from his bed and carried him down stairs. Meghan was downstairs preparing a healthy breakfast for all of them .  Harry put Alexander on his booster seat in his chair  and Harry sat down next to his son. Meghan dished up two bowls of fruit and oatmeal for her and Harry and a small bowl of fruit and some dry ceral for Alexander.

Meghan sat down the opposite side of Alexander and began to eat her breakfast. Alexander pushed his plate away from him and rubbed his eyes. Harry was the first to notice his son's strange beheavouir.

" Came on buddy, you have to eat." Harry said trying to push a little piece of fruit into Alexander's mouth.

Alexander twisted his head away from his father's hand and Meghan was looking on with worry on her face. Meghan put her hand on her son's small forehead and felt  it was hot. While Meghan was doing that Alexander was becoming green in the face. Alexander voitmed all over himself.

Harry quickly  got up from his seat and picked Alexander up  and took him to get changed.

Harry took Alexander's vomited covered clothes off  and changed him Into some pyjamas. While Harry was doing that Meghan was cleaning the vomit off from the kitchen floor. After, Harry got Alexander changed into some pyjamas he  carried Alexander down stairs and put him on the sofa. Meghan looked at her baby boy from the dinning room door and smiled. Alexander was tired and fall asleep no probably on the sofa and Meghan and Harry left him on the sofa with a bucket next to him incase he was sick again.


The next day, Harry and Meghan both quite their engagements to be with their sick son. Harry and Meghan both sent the nanny home because they don't need the nanny. Alexander slept most of the morning and Harry and Meghan just sat and watched T.v while checking on Alexander.

In the afternoon, Alexander was awake and sitting upright on the sofa. Harry got some fluids into his son's stomach but no foood.  Harry and Meghan were both sitting on the sofa showing Alexander pictures from Harry's photo album. Harry was pointing to His late mother Diana, who was in so many of the photo's in the photo album.

Harry didn't know if Alexander was looking or remotely instead in looking at the photo album until something happend that shocked Harry and Meghan. Of course, Harry had mentioned His mother to Alexander because as he concerned  there's two grandmothers in his son's life. Meghan' s and his late mother Diana.

Alexander pointed at one of the pictures of a little Harry and his mother and said,"nana."

Harry and Meghan was taken back by this and quite happy inside. Harry was really happy and said," well down buddy that's right that's nana." Then  Kissing his son on the head.

Later on that day, Alexander's fever had gone down and he was eating a little. Meghan and Harry was stilled filled with joy inside and their thought for once that everything would be alright. Harry got out the second photo album out and  went and sat next to his son who was currently  watching the tweenies.

Harry turned off the t.v and opend the second photo album open and was talking to Alexander who was snuggled next to his father with his thumb in his mouth. Harry hoped that Alexander would have done something like he had early in the day but it was no use.


Over the next couple of days Alexander got better and he began to eat normally again. Harry had tried again with the photo album to no use but he and Meghan will always be grateful for Alexander and their marriage to each other.

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