It was then, with him absentmindedly stroking my hair with one hand and my tummy with the other that I promised myself I would track down his brother and father and bring them here whether I had to drag them by their balls or not.


"What in the world are you working on Sweet Bottom?" Tanner asked while walking up to me from behind as I sat on the couch. He'd just gotten home from work after picking Calla up from pre-school. I'd used the entire day to try and track down two men who really didn't want to be found if what I'd discovered thus far was any indication - that being practically nothing. I was still viciously searching public records that had any relevance when he caught me off guard.

I sucked in a breath of shock before slamming the lid of my laptop shut.

Because that's not suspicious at all, Tansy I thought to myself. As expected, his eyes narrowed as he stared more intently at me, waiting for an answer.

"It's a surprise for your upcoming birthday," I somewhat lied. How I thought I was going to be able to track down both men in just a weeks time was absolutely insane.

"Uh-huh," he mumbled, clearly not believing me, "and what would that be?" He asked.

"Why the fuck would I tell you? It's a surprise," I deadpanned before rolling my eyes at him. He opened his mouth to reply, but Calla yelled for help from her room where she was working on some take-home sheets from school. He shut his mouth and gave me a warning look before walking off. I released a deep breath from my mouth, relieved that he didn't press me further on the subject. I would've crumbled in seconds - he knew exactly how to extract things out of me even when I was hellbent on not telling him.

My email pinged, drawing my attention back to my closed laptop. Opening it back up, my heart fluttered when I saw it was from the private investigator I'd hired to help, the subject line reading URGENT!

I clicked on it before immediately beginning to read as fast as I could. I let out a small squeal of happiness when I read that he'd been able to locate not one, but both men and had left all their contact information for me in the final paragraph of the email.

My fingers itched to grab my phone and call them right now, but I knew I couldn't for fear of Tanner hearing me. I debated with myself on what I should do before finally coming up with a plan. I dashed for our room - well, as fast as my growing pregnant belly would allow - before locking our bedroom door and then locking myself in our closet as well. Two barriers just in case.

My fingers started to shake as I dialed the number for the more likely to show of the two - his brother. I grew impatient as the phone just rang and rang with no sign of anyone answering.

"Come on, pick up!" I hissed out while glancing anxiously at the closet door. I cursed under my breath when the first call went to voicemail, but I was not taking no for an answer. I dialed again and prayed under my breath for him to answer.

"What?!" A deep voice that sounded almost identical to Tanner's own snarled out. "Who the fuck is this and why are you calling me?" He growled. My breath caught in my throat for a minute while I tried to compose my scrambling brain.

"Fucking telemarketers," He grumbled to himself, sounding farther away than before, leading me to think he was about to hang up.

"Wait!" I yelled out, finally finding my voice.

"Who the fuck is this?" He asked aggressively.

"M-my name is Tansy, I'm your brother's fiance," I confessed, my voice coming out softer than I wanted it to.

Thorn (Carmichael Series #5)✔️Where stories live. Discover now