'And why do we need it exactly? I mean like ok, it's cool you have a prophecy but why so important?' I asked, confused.

'Because,' Leo answered. 'Knowing a bit about future is never annoying you know.  When you know about future, you make good plans, you take each step with caution cause you know what will be coming.' He looked at me. 'And we only have this.' He pointed at the ring. 'Our leader, Marie is taken by death or other means , I don't know but we don't have her. Our unity is getting destroyed one by one , you know Dave, Liam and Jake.' He almost spat his word . 'Our weapons are back in LA and they made sure that we don't come back so yeah, pretty we have only this.'  

I nodded and took on their words erstwhile thinking about the ways to ask my one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine questions. 'So we'll be using the prophecy against Hades?' I asked.

They all nodded.

'And that's why Hades is after it because it is some kind of physic?'

They stared but eventually nodded.

'But why me?'

They all stared now. 'Well you see , you're not an orphan, kind of so that's why.'

I raised my eyebrows as I indicated for them to continue for none of the word made sense to me. 'What?'

Justin took a deep breath. 'We all here,' he floated his thumb towards everyone except for me. 'Almost share the same past. We all don't have parents. Doesn't matter how they died but none of us have em. And you have them so it'll work on you.' Justin said.

'What do you mean?' I queried as again I didn't understand anything.

Leo leant in. 'Relationships are bonds Elsa. They're like a umbrella that protect you from drowning into the fears of being special. If you don't have them you're alone. It's like the whole universe against one. But they're the ones that help you.' Leo said wisely. 'And the most important one is of parents.'

'We all were predicted Elsa.' Chloe injected. 'All eight of us. You, me , twins, Stephen, Greg, Jake, Liam and Dave —we all were chosen. The stone predicted its owner of any of us.'

'It was possible that any of us could have the other part of the stone cause like Marie said, "The stone chooses its owner" and we all were nominated. If any of us would have the stone, then it was possible that we all would be in big danger and since we had no one else before to protect us, parents were our only guardians and Hades made sure that we don't have any by killing them all.' Greg pipped in.

'With this, If by any chance, we have the other part, it'll be easy for him to take it from us who had no one to protect.' Austin said. 'Only you are the one who has parents Elsa. Marie protected you with all her mighty just because you were the only one left with the prediction and stone reached you.'

'Never have we ever had threats or dangers just like you faced. Why? Because Hades knew we can never have the stone. But you Elsa, you had them all and let's say Hades knew you're the only one left so he attacked you. He know he can't simply steal it cause it will never work cause as they say again, the stone chooses its master by itself and without you, the stone will never give him the prophecy so he wanted you along with it.' Stephen finished.

I leant back the chair, too full to take anything else. Panic fleeted in my mind and suddenly air feigned to disappear. 'So Marie knew all along?' I asked them.

'Yes, she did.' Leo answered. 'That's how she found us. Didn't she mention that she passed the stone?'

'So she was the one who had the stone before?' I asked. 'And she passed it to me through Micheal?'

The Girl in Black (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now