See you at school, Enemy

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(Jason's POV)

As soon as she runs out of the house, we all glare at each other. Mostly at Mitch and I.  "I see what you did there." Jerome smirks at me. "What did I do?" I ask. "You kissed her!" Ty yells. People's heads turn our ways. I look away and smile slightly.

"You're just jealous." I smirk as I turn back to the team. "Whatever." Ty mutters. "Anyway, what happened with you, Mitch?"  He blushes lightly. He just shrugs as he gets up. We all roll our eyes.

"I just need to get one thing straight," I begin. "It's every man for themselves for Katie. Got that?" Everyone nods. "NOW! For presents!!!!" Adam yells. "WOO!!!" we all chorus.

We start opening presents and I see one that catches my eye. It was wrapped in creeper wrapping paper. I walk over to it and look who it was from. "Katie." I say. All the guys stop and walk over to me. There were two things for us. Also a card.

Dear bullies,

I hope you somewhat like the presents. If you don't give the back. Doesn't bother me. Also, I am not fucking rich so all of you can share one of the presents, but the bigger one is foe one of you. Again, not rich.

Hopefully you bitches don't ruin the purpose of the gifts. We don't need more bitchiness in the items. All of you peoples bitchiness and my bitchiness combined will not be good for the world. Also, I am probably laughing right now because I am the only one that knows you are gamers, so everyone else probably gave you towels and shit. Oh well.

P.S. The headset, don't ask. I just like his music, so I bought the headset with no explanation.

        Your enemy,


I smile at her card. I throw it to the other guys and let them read it. I then tear through the paper of the smaller gift. "YES!!!" I yell. "Assassin's Creed Unity!" Huge grins appear on everyone's faces. Now the bigger present. I open it and look inside. A smile grows across my face. I felt like I was on cloud 9. The headset had my minecraft face on each side.

"You can just stop trying to win her over," I smirk as I hold up the headset. Everyone gets jealous instantly. I snicker quietly. "Looks like Katie has a thing for me."


"WHY DID I GIVE THEM THAT HEADSET!!!" I yell as I realize I gave them the TrueMu headset. I repeatedly bang my head on the wall. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Now he's gonna know I have a thing for him." I say quietly. Bring it on bullies. I flop down on my bed and try and fall asleep. For at least 6 hours, I just laid in my bed thinking about everything. It was one of those nights.

I sit up and get out of bed. I grab my phone, headphones, keys, and put on my shoes and hoodie. I go down the stairs and go outside. I quietly close the door behind me because it was 12 something in the morning. It was dark, but I could still see because of the street lights. I put in my headphones and listen to Panic! At The Disco station on Pandora (MY FAVORITE STATION!!! Only listen to it if you like "dark" songs) and start to walk on the side walk.

As I am walking back to my house, I see another person in front of me headed the other direction. He didn't know that I was there, so he bumped into me. "Sorry." I say as I scratch the back of my head. "It's all good." the male said.

"Jason?" I asked confused. The person looked at me. "Yeah? Who are you?" he asks. "Katie?" "Oh, Katie!" he says. It was really awkward because we were really close together and our faces were inches apart. "Thanks for the headset." he smirks. I laugh. "Yeah. No problem." "So, does that mean you like me?" "I don't know." I smiled.

Being Bullied by Team CraftedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon