They leave her apartment & drop Brea’s things off, then they go to the Olive Garden


Prince’s Family

Prince is putting the kids in the car to take them to his mom’s house while Cici is bringing the girls bags out

Cici: (struggling) Bay can u please help me with this damn bags, u see I’m over here struggling

Prince: (laughing) Nobody told u to pack their whole room like their moving in with my mama, damn they only going for the weekend

Cici: Shut the fuck up cause this ain’t even a lot of stuff

Prince: Really (picking up bags) why do u have all these toys when they already got a bunch at mama’s house already

Cici: Laurie asked could she take them with her because they are her favorite, if my baby wants it she can get it

Prince: See that’s why they asses spoiled now, u let them always get what they want (shaking his head)

Cici: (getting in the car) I do not spoil them, u the one they got wrapped around their little fingers

Prince: Be quiet, u the one said whatever my babies want they can get

Cici: Whatever now lets go

30 minutes they arrive at his moms house. Cici takes the girls out the car while Prince gets the bags out. Miss Teresa is at the door waiting, Laurie & Londie runs up to her

Miss Teresa: (hugging & kissing them) How are grandma’s babies doing?

Lauryn&Londyn: Good (running in the house to the toys)

Cici: (walks in carrying LaMiya in) Hey Miss Teresa (hugging her)

Miss Teresa: (taking Mi mi) Hey baby how u doing?

Cici: (sitting at the kitchen table) Good but better once u take this kids before I beat them

Miss Teresa: (laughing) U young mother’s have no patience’s these days with kids

Cici: I do have patience’s, I just tired & plus your son s like having a 4th child

Miss Teresa: Trust me I know he is childish but I’m glad he’s nagging u now instead of me (laughing)

Cici: (laughing too) U can have him back if u want

Prince finally walks in with all the bags outta breathe

Cici: Bout time what took u so long

Prince: (looking at her shaking his head) Why would u ask such a dumb question…Hey ma (kissing her cheek)

Miss Teresa: Hey son…(popping him upside his head) don’t talk to your wife like that before I beat the Mexican outta u

Prince: (rubbing his head) Yes ma’am

Miss Teresa takes Mi mi in the living room & puts her in the playpen because she’s sleep then goes back into the kitchen when Lauryn & Londyn walks in

Laurie: (tapping Miss Teresa) Grandma did u make us cookies like last time

Miss Teresa: Not yet but do u guys wanna help me make some when mommy & daddy leave

Laurie: (excited) Yea

Londie: (just standing there)

Prince: Why u gotta make cookies after we leave, its like that now ma I thought I was your favorite since I’m your only child

Miss Teresa: Boy who told u that lie (laughing)

Prince: (pouting) I see I’m not wanted her so I’m leaving come on Cici

Miss Teresa: (pinching his cheek) Awe is my big baby sad

Cici: (laughing) (talking to the girls) U see your daddy acting like a little baby

The girls look at him & both laugh at the way he is acting

Londie: (baby voice) Daddy somebody needs a time out

Everyone laughs

Prince: Its not funny, but seriously Cici we gotta go

Cici: (getting up from the table) Ok see u guys Sunday night, & yall better be good for grandma

Prince: Yea cause yall gone get it when yall get home if she tells me yall been misbehaving

Miss Teresa: Don’t threaten my babies before I beat every curl out your head

Prince: (shaking his head) I swear ma u rubbing off on my wife cause she says the same stuff

They all laugh then Prince & Cici says their goodbyes & leave to head back home

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