Interview (V.H)

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"Why shouldn't we?" I cross my arms.

"I'll loose my job! It isn't my fault that the belt broke! It was fine last ride!"

"They could have DIED!" Adalyn says from behind us.

"Here," the operator says. "Free line pass and free food card." He pulls out his wallet. He takes out a gold card. "Please don't tell, I'll take out that car."

"Is a lousy food and line pass card is compensation for our lives?!" I exclaim. "Because you're right, I will gladly take that."

He hands me the card. I gladly shove it in my purse. "Thank you, sir." I turn and walk away, closely followed by Adalyn, Bob, and Buddy.

"You really would trade your life for a line pass and free food?!" Adalyn questions, furrowing her brows.

I nod. "Yep, worth it! Free funnel cake!"

"You need to check your priorities!" Bob laughs.

"Hey, when you've lived like I have, you learn to accept compensation."

Buddy laughs. "That's Vi for ya."

"I hope you know that I fully intend to use this free food card to its fullest." I walk up to the nearest food stand and look at the menu. "I have to take advantage of the newfound freedom that I have!"

"Newfound freedom?" Buddy raises an eyebrow.

"No more cheer! I don't have to be exactly 130 pounds! I can be 135 and not be forced to run laps for an hour and a half!" I grin.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" A scrawny teenage boy asks from inside the booth.

"Hey! What do you recommend?" I ask.

"I dunno about you, but I love the ice cream waffle!"

"Then that, please." I reply.

"Coming right up." He replies

And how did you know that the other was "the one"?

Well, I think I knew on my birthday, exactly a week after we met. I remember that we walked t'a playground in order t'get away from my mom who was bein' a little overbearin'.

I was not prepared for the onslaught from southern families.

And you challenged me t'who could jump outta the swing the highest!

Who won?

Me! I only almost broke both of my ankles and cut myself on the gravel, but I won!

What made you decide then and there?

I guess she had some fight in her. I thought it was the funniest thing in the world. That's when I knew that I had t'get her!

How about you, Vi? What made you know that Buddy was "the one"?

We had been friends for a few months, and I had a petty crush on him, like any other teenage girl. The exact moment that I knew that I was somehow going to manipulate him into liking me was when he made a horribly offensive joke that I'm not going to repeat.
(Smiles and shakes head)
I laughed so hard that I almost passed out!

Well...Alright | Buddy HollyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat