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Ahhh! The long awaited epilogue. Sorry it took so long (like two years lol). I've had like no inspiration for this but thanks for sticking around, those that have read from the beginning and I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated XO


"James Buchanan Wilson-Barnes!" Sam yelled, storming out of the bathroom. "How many times do I have to tell you to pull your damn hair out of the drain after you shower?"

Bucky looked up from his half-eaten bag of chips and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry... It's hard to remember sometimes," he said as he tapped his temple.

Sam narrowed his eyes at him. "Don't give me that bullshit. I know your memory is fine with new stuff."

Bucky cocked his head. "Who are you again?" he stared at him with a serious look on his face.

Sam groaned and threw a pillow at him that he just picked up off the floor. "I hate you," he yelled while laughing.

"Hey!" Bucky yelled while throwing the pillow back. "You're gonna crush them," he said innocently while holding up the chips.

Sam took a seat next to him, sighing. "You mean I'm gonna crush my chips that I bought for me, and me alone, that you stole, you little shit," he snarked while reaching his hand into the bag. "You don't even like this flavor."

"They really grow on you," he mused.

"You're such a dick."

"Only for you."

Sam grinned. "Oh yeah? Wanna show me?" he replied, looking Bucky up and down.

Bucky grinned back devilishly. "Well, how can I resist you when you ask so nicely," he said smoothly as he slid over onto Sam's lap facing him. "Plus I have to make up for the shower drain somehow."

"Or you could just promise to pull it out next time." Sam deadpanned, enjoying having Bucky on top of him but still annoyed at the same time.

"Nahh," he responded while kissing up Sam's collarbone. "This is easier."

Sam hummed softly. "I guess I'll just have to convince you later."

"Can't wait," the dark-haired man chuckled. "Now can I get you out of these pants?"

Sam rolled his eyes and thought to himself, Marry me, he said. I love you, he said. I promise to be by your side the rest of my life... Should've made him promise to clean up after himself instead.

"Hey, Sam," Bucky said, turning Sam's attention back to him. "You okay?" he asked, concerned about Sam's absent-mindedness.

Sam refocused back on Bucky. "Uhh... yeah. Yeah I'm good," he said, as he smiled sheepishly and laughed a little under his breath.

Bucky squinted a bit and rubbed Sam's cheekbone gently with his thumb, not exactly buying it. "What were you thinking about?" he asked curiously.

Sam smiled. "Just that if you weren't so hot, I'd divorce your ass so fast."

Bucky inhaled sharply, faking mock offense. "Samuel, your words hurt me. Am I just a pretty face to you?" he asked, really playing up the act.

"Yep," Sam said, shaking his head. "Sorry to tell you."

"Well then. I guess I'll just have to prove my worth," Bucky replied as he leaned in for a few soft, languid kisses.

Sam smiled. "I'm sure you will. You can start with your chores from last week like the laundry," he said as he reached for the TV remote. "Start with the sheets and towels, okay?"

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