I'm Not Sure

103 4 2

y/t: Your town

Y/N's Pov

I hate it when Len teases me! But at the same time.. it makes me feel that I want to hear more of his teases.. I never expected this to happen in my life, if only I could time travel to stop my parents from going to their date night! But.. sadly you can't change fate.. can you?

"Len, eto, are you sure you don't want to put me down?"

"Nope! I'm exercising as well! See!"

He's really stubborn.. We were walking through trees and bushes, and because they're practically surrounding us, Len got scratches all around his arms. I tried to convince him to let me go, but he insisted on carrying me until we reach the top.

"Len put me down."

"Not until we reach the top!"

It was a slow ride being carried by Len, but I must admit, it was quite an enjoyable ride.. Len had a smile on his face this whole time, I turned to Len's chest once again to hide my blushing mess. Not too long later we managed to reach the top..

Since It's only 4PM the sun was practically killing us, surprisingly, Len has this little fort that he managed to build.. And inside, there was food and drinks, there were also cushions to sit on.

"Y/N, welcome to my secret fort! Make yourself at home!"

I was speechless of how Len was able to create a not bad fort,

"Did you make it by yourself?"

"Not really.. Kaito and Eggplant helped out too.."

"Haha.. I knew it!"

Len blushed and walked towards a freezer.. How is a freezer in the middle of nowhere be working right now? He gave me cola which I accept,

"So, feeling better?"

I nod, he led me to a cushion to sit on, it's f/c.. How does he know my favourite colour?

"Say, Len, how come you know a lot of things about me?"

"I'm your stalker!"

I blinked twice,

"Joking! I actually found out things about you in a résumé you filled out during your meeting with Yukino!"

"So, like you read it after you took me home?"

"Yeah.. Hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all.."

Len's Pov

Great! More awkward silence between us.. I sat down beside her and reached out to her hand, I then sang quietly just to let her listen to it,

"Kimi wa oujo Boku wa meshitsukai, Unmei wakatsu Aware na futago.. Kimi wo mamoru Sono tame naraba, Boku wa ku ni Datte natte yaru.." (You're the queen and I'm your servant, We're a pitiable pair of twins separated by our fate.. For the sake of protecting you, I will become evil for you..)


"Y/N, you know I'd do that for you right?"


I grabbed her chin and I leaned in closer to her lips, her soft lips brushes against mine.. I let go of her as she stares at me giving me a shocked yet unsatisfied look.

"S-sorry Y/N, I wasn't thinking straight! B-but,"

She interrupted my words as she finishes the incomplete kiss,

"I'm sorry Len, your kiss was unsatisfying!"

We both laughed as I noticed the sun was about to set,

"Hey Y/N, follow me!"

She took my hand and I led her to a piece log as we both took our seats.. The sun was making its exit between y/t's two mountains, Y/N's eyes sparkled which made me blush. I slowly made my way closer to Y/N and held her hand,

"Len, this is beautiful! How come you've never told any girl about this place?"

"Well it's partly because I wanted a hangout place for Eggplant, Kaito and I.. But maybe because I was saving it for my future girlfriend.."

"Haha, yeah Len about that, I'm not sure that I want to-"

A/N: Cliffhanger!! Sorry about that! ><'

It all started with a Banana ((LenXReader))Where stories live. Discover now