3 } The Bad Boy Has Met Me

445 23 16

Cover my MerelyMinh

"Sorry, what?"

"What?" I retorted, I looked around confused like I had no idea what he was saying. Maybe if I pretend it never happened, he'll believe me.

"Did you just say you love me Nob?"

"Did you just call me a nob?"

"But you said that's your name..."

"Nu-uh, I said Nobby. With a Y. That's rude do you know what a nob is and ca-"

"But wait you ju-"

"Ju- jee- hoo ha," Get the fuck out of here Natasha. "Listen I understand that your finding it a bit hard to speak so I'm just going to leave." I took his girlfriend's hand and shook it saying, "Samantha it was so nice to meet you,"

"My name's Rachael.."

"Not in my eyes," I paused before continuing, "Rodeyer, I love you man, it's just got to be said." I double tapped my chest and nodded. I was about to turn and leave so the utter bullshit that was leaving my mouth would stop but I halted when I saw a guy filming me.

    Don't do it Natasha. Don't...

"I've been Nobby Carrera, I'm leaving to Antarctica tomorrow and I bid you all... a good night." I bowed and everyone that was around the area was looking around and at me. I held my breath looking around before bolting it.


I pushed through the group and ran outside hyperventilating, they all came tumbling out before running up to me. "Oh my god that was filmed."

"It was filmed."

      "By Rob,"

"By Rob-fucking-Porter." I was so out of the conversation, all I could hear was the panic in their voices and I just stood there wheezing.

"I'm gonna die, I'm dying! I see the light." And to anyone who is saying that hyperventilating is a bit extreme...


I'm panicking, I'm genuinely panicking. This just isn't like me. I don't do public speaking. I don't tell people I love them- THEY TELL ME, they love me.

     Who am I kidding, no one has ever told me they love me. I'VE NEVER BEEN KISSED.


"No, no no no.... no..." I slowly started to cry, overlapping they're conversation. "I'm doomed," I started to walk over to the road and collapsed in the middle, just waiting.

       Waiting for - preferably a yellow, or red Lamborghini or Ferrari, honestly not fussed out of the two - a car to come and hit me.

I swear to god if it's a little Honda I'm going to cry in my grave.

"Nat, can you get off the freaking road?" Scott spoke like I was actually going to go through with it.

Well I might - it's undecided.

They all watched me as I starfished on the road, come, I'm ready. It can happen God, I won't hold it against you big guy.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD A CAR IS COMING." Weston shouted, he followed on to scream like a little girl which sent bolts up my legs as I quickly jumped up and ran toward them. I tripped on the curb and I fell in to Weston's arms, I looked up as he looked down at me and cocking his eyebrow before smirking,

      You're lucky you have a nice face.

I pushed off him, looking back seeing that there was no car. "Who's Rob Porter?!"

"The guy that films everything for the school. He's been here for years, the guy is always retaking his final year. He's basically the guy you want to avoid if you're doing something dumb because he's always got a camera." We all walked over to the car and watching everyone partying from outside the house.

"Can I kill him?" I suggested casually as we leaned on the car. They all muttered yes,

"I'll get the rope," all our heads slowly turned to Weston who was nodding at himself still looking at the house. Talking about how he would get the rope, home problems, I'm telling you.

"You know what, everything is going to be fine," I was about to carry on my speech but they all had that unsure look, that said this bitch is crazy. "Oh my god," my hand shot up to my head, "I'm not fine." I broke down.

"Nat, it's just like cliff diving. You know all about that stuff,"

      "I really don't," I muttered,

"It's hit and miss. I'm sure you'll know what to do." Scott's reassurance speech was not reassuring. If anything, it made me want to dig a hole for myself.

"Listen, here's what's going to happen," Emma started talking,

      HeRe'S wHaT's GoInG tO hApPeN.


"... we're all going to go into school tomorrow and act normal, Natasha... now that you've completely and utterly embarrassed yourself in front of the most popular people in school, your just going to have to face the music and let us all laugh at you. Simple."

I just said nothing.

"Natasha, how many times have you even seen him at school?" Weston pointed out. He had a fair point, I haven't seen this guy anywhere. None of my lessons. Never at lunch. He was a literal nobody to me before today.

      Things were looking brighter.

"But what about the video,"

"So what, Rob might post it,"

"He will," Weston popped up,

"People might see it-"

"People are going to definitely see it," Weston mumbled, Scott shot him a look before continuing,

"It's not gonna kill you is it,"

"It could potentially kill her."


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