Episode 4 - Emo To The Extremo

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Blah blah blah, Great Zeus*, please just make class end soon...

«Hey, Kingham!»

I perked up at this, before turning to the side slightly. There sat Chandler, who I just hoped would leave me alone right now.

He had been following me all around the school, even sometimes to the bathroom. I would consider him a stalker.


He flinched at my reply before giving me a piece of paper, which our teacher surprisingly did not notice. She wasn't that old or blind, she just... didn't see him giving me the paper, somehow.

I opened the paper and read it out in my mind.

Do ya want to skip the next class? I know of a place where we will not cau..cauought? Did he mean caught? How does one have such bad grammar?

I shook my head, glaring at him. I tossed the paper right back at him, our teacher not seeing me toss the paper.

«Learn to write properly, you emo stalker.»  

He seemed to be processing the words I had said, before looking hurt, which I didn't really care much about. I turned to our teacher, who was named Ms Philips or something along those lines. I could honestly not care less about what her name was, she was just another teacher that I would have for the year.

We were supposed to sketch out an animal, any animal. Then, once we were finished with our sketches, we were going to be painting them with aquarelle colours. I was sketching an antelope AND a canary bird. She didn't say we couldn't draw more than one animal, so she can't really blame me.

I smudged a bit of the shadow, right under the canary bird, which was sitting on the back of the antelope. 

I grabbed my pencil and made a few lines. I hummed quietly as I sketched. I wouldn't consider myself much of an artist, but I did draw a few times back at my old school.

My old boyfriend, Cece, was a better artist than me. His dad had him take art lessons when he was younger. His art style looks so realistic, so innocent and magnificent.

Oh, how I miss Cece... bet he is dating some goody too shoes in his Charms class named Stephanie now.

I could hear Chandler trying to my attention by whispering my name several times, which I tried to ignore as best I could.

The bell finally let out a screech and our teacher let us go. 75% was already out of the classroom by the time I had gotten all my stuff.

I walked through the door, before saying my goodbyes to the teacher.

Finally, we're free at last! Art would be my last class of the day, so I can go and get ready for meeting Jimmy! Long story short, Jimmy had asked if I wanted to hang out today, after all our classes, which I agreed to!

I was just outside my classroom when I had noticed Shawn and two unknown people going in my direction.  

The two people who were with him had a very intimidating look, making me nearly shiver and want to run away in fear, but I surprisingly didn't.

They were way closer me now and it took Shawn just seconds to grab my arm and proceed to drag me away. I tried stopping him, but I wasn't that strong so...

The male had forcefully and unfortunately, successfully forced me against a wall, away from the sight of prefects and teachers. He let go of my arm and leaned close to me, making it possible for me to smell his breath, which was horrible.

I looked at Shawn and his two other friends, who both had their hands crossed over their chests.

«Why the hell were you sitting with the goths yesterday?»

«Why should I tell you?»

I cocked my eyebrow up, staring at the boy in front of me. His face expression changed from annoyed to shocked for a moment, must have been surprised anyone has talked back at him.

He walked closer, but I didn't move. I don't want to seem intimidated, he would bug me about that for the rest of my life.

«Answer my question, sweetie, or we might have to teach you a lesson.»

A slightly disturbing smirk formed on his lips, making me feel... intimidated, but I didn't break my persona. I stood my tallest and stared right back at him. He suddenly grabbed my right arm, making me glare at the male.

«I honestly don't know myself, I just wanted to be polite to them! That Chandler guy always asks me if I want to sit with them, and one of them is actually super nice. Her name is Peggy-»

«Alright, I understand. I just thought you didn't like them. That's at least what Derek said.»

Oh, he did? But I haven't talked to him, since like 3 days ago...? I bet this is a joke, I mean... Shawn doesn't seem like the most honest person on this planet.

I rolled my eyes, before prying myself out of his grip. He looked at me in disbelief and gasped. I pushed him slightly away, getting on my way to the girls' dorm to change into more comfortable clothes.

Once I was just outside the dorms, I opened the door and greeted Eunice. She is a very nice girl that shares a room with Peggy. We've talked a bit, but I wouldn't say I know her as good as I know Peggy or Jimmy.

Finally, I was in my dorm. I opened the door that leads me to my shared dorm room with Pinky.

Pinky and I haven't spoken in a while, she was most likely holding a grudge or something. Or maybe I was the one who held a grudge?  I mean, I've been avoiding her at all costs, she has been trying to talk to me. Wait... I AM THE REASON PINKY AND I HAVEN'T SPOKE!

I sat down at my bed, looking at the carpet that was on the floor. I soon laid down onto the mattress, before deciding to change clothes into some more comfortable ones so I could meet Jimmy.


𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇'𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! (𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora