Ace Copular

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Just as dinner was getting done, 2-D finished getting the downstairs area of the house cleaned. It was a mess. Russel and Noodle went upstairs to put on slightly neater clothes. It was only 6 o'clock, so the three had about half an hour more until their new band member would arrive. The three sat on the couch, patiently waiting for Ace.

"Are you sure this is the Ace Copular and not someone who looks like him?" Russel asked.

"I'm positive. He sounds just like him. From what I know, everything about him is the same." Noodle replied.

After about 20 minutes later, a knock was heard on the door. Noodle paused the game she was playing and ran to the door.

"Ace!" She squealed with excitement as she gave him a hug.

"Hey, Noodle." He chuckled.

"'Ello, Ace!" 2-D said from the couch with a wave.

"Hey." Russel said.

"Hello, you two! Nice to meet you!" Ace waved happily.

"He seems nicer than I thought he'd be." 2-D thought to himself.

Ace and Noodle walked to the couch and sat down. Ace rested his arm on the back of the couch, conveniently right behind 2-D. 2-D was startled, but didn't show any reaction to it.

The group talked about what they were going to do for the future of Gorillaz and ate dinner before they watched movies.

2-D noticed that Ace stayed close to him. He didn't know if he was trying to get to know him more, or if he had feelings for him. 2-D ignored it, thinking nothing much of it. Before he had realised it, he was asleep.


The next morning when he woke up, 2-D didn't know what had happened when he fell asleep. He looked around and realised he was in his room and not on the couch.

He walked downstairs. The only one awake was...

"Ace?" 2-D whispered.

He stepped his foot onto one of the stairs, which made a loud squeak. Ace turned around. "Oh, hello, 'D!" He said, smiling. "I was wondering when one of you would wake up."

"Uh..." 2-D wasn't sure what to do next.

"C'mon! Sit with me!" Ace patted one of the seat cushions next to him.

2-D did as told. He was still tired, so couldn't really think for himself. The couch creaked as Stu sat down. Ace relaxed his arm on the couch behind 2-D, just as he did the night before.

"Uh, Ace, why 'ave yew been doin' that?" 2-D asked, not being able to fully word his sentence correctly.

"What? You mean putting my arm on the couch like this?" Ace questioned.

"Yea, that. Like, why are ya doin' it?"

"No reason. It's just relaxing."

2-D blushed slightly. There's no way Ace was doing that just to relax. At least, that's what 2-D thought. Ace had been wrapping his arm around him every chance he could. 2-D didn't really know much about Ace. Maybe Ace really did have a crush on him. After all, Ace was a fan of their music, and knew who they were.

"I don't buy it." 2-D said as he stood up. "I going to the bathroom."

"Wait, 2-D, before you g-" Ace grabbed the back of 2-D's shirt, but 2-D shoved him away.

"I'll be back in a minute, man."

2-D walked upstairs and knocked on Noodle's door. The door opened, and Noodle poked her head out and smiled.


"Shh!" 2-D lightly shoved her to the side, walked in, and shut the door.

"What was that for, 'D?" Noodle asked.

"Look, I woke up this mornin' and I was in my room, but I thought I was in the livin' room last night."

"Yeah, you must've been so tired, because once the movie started, you feel asleep on Ace's shoulder." Noodle responded. 2-D could feel himself blushing and his heart race. "It was so cute! And after the movie, Ace carried you to your room. He truly cares about you, 2-D."

2-D groaned and covered his face with his hands. "The thing is, I been noticin' Ace's actions 'round me. He has been very close to me, like wrappin' his arm 'round me and stuff."

Noodle smiled. "Go talk to him about it. Is he still downstairs?"

"Yeah. I told him I had to go to the bathroom so I could talk to you for advice."

"Like I said, go talk to him. You'll get an answer!" Noodle patted him on the back for reassurance.

Note: This was written at the beginning of this month(July), but completely forgot to post it until today(July 19th). Sorry that I'm lazy lol

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