“You’re right, there really is no point of this wedding if you hate him.” She implied and I shot her a look.

“I don’t hate him. I just don’t feel that way about him.” I stared at my new converse that Nathan had kindly bought for me.

“So, Mr. Blake’s death wish?” she asks and looks at me while squinting from the bright sun. “Didn’t your parents get married on a death wish?”

“Yeah, my grandmother’s. She wanted them to get married, it was already partially arranged though. And I’m sure they liked each other before they got married.”

“I still think you should give Nathan a chance.” She skips away, putting on a vest shirt and some light blue skinny jeans.

“Give the playboy Millionaire a chance? Hmm, maybe.” I smile at her.

“Well, get lost. He invited you to a tour of the garden, and I need to call my parents, so bye” and she pushes me out of my own room.


-Nathan Blake-

“Isabelle!” I yell, I wave and call her over, I see her nervously wave back at me.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” My mother smirks, picks a rose from the near by bush and hands it to me. “Give it to her.” And she strolls away.

“Hi” she says and sit down at the fountain edge. I do the same and look at her shading her eyes from the blazing sun that was giving off pleasant heat.

I remembered the rose in my hand and quickly gave it to her. “For you.” Could I have sounded more nervous? The over confident, playboy was finally nervous at approaching a girl.

“Thank you,” she says sweetly and sniffs the rose. “It’s lovely.”

I can still see her squinting in the sun light.

“Here, take my sunglasses.” I take them off my head and give them to her.

“No, it’s ok.”

“No, it’s fine.” I slide them gently on her face, until I can no longer see her dazzling blue eyes. I can only see myself staring back at me. Stupidly I feel like the sunglasses are shutting me away from her by not being able to look into her eyes.

“Thank you, so you said a tour?” She asks and I nod. “Yeah, a tour, come on.” I offer my hand and she takes it. We walk around the bushes that provide us with a shade. I jump over a little stream and come across some rabbits, hopping merrily. I hear Isabelle squeal and go over to pick one up.

“These are adorable.” She exclaims, I wonder if she knew that she was adorable, plus the rabbit.

“They’re all yours.” I say, running my fingers through my own hair and watching her smile at the hopping white rabbits.

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